twenty one

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Mattia's pov:

i heard a knock at my door and scoffed at the thought of chris being on the other side. i didn't want to talk to her. she was with another guy. not that we were exclusive or anything. we were probably the farthest thing from exclusive but it still hurt me.

"what" i said as i opened the door.

i was high, irritated, and lowkey tweaking off a perc. you did not want to be around me when i was those things.

"hey i was going out to eat and was wondering if you wanted to come with me? my treat of course" she said happily.

her happiness was very contagious but right now i felt broken. i know i'm over exaggerating because they probably weren't even dating. but hey you never know.

what was i supposed to say? should i tell her i'm high off a perc right now? or that i relapsed, again? damn i didn't know what to say.

"well i'll take that as a yes. go get ready" she said pushing me back inside my apartment.

guess i was going out to eat.

Christina's pov:

damn he was gone. it was kind of sad the way that he couldn't figure out what to say. i could tell something was going on.

i really wanted to go out with him. but i wanted to go out with mattia polibio not whoever this is. i could tell high mattia and mattia mattia were two very different people. i didn't like high mattia. i liked sober mattia. i had feelings for sober mattia.

i pushed aside my thoughts and ordered an uber. after a few minutes he came out of his apartment in different clothes, his eyes low, and his face droopy. he was either really fucking tired or high off something other than weed. none of my business right now though.

"let's go" i said.

i grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind me down to the parking lot. out uber had arrived right as we stepped into the lot. perfect timing huh.


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