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Christina's pov:

"i need to talk to alex" i told mattia.

i didn't want him in my life anymore. if you're going to plot against me and try to break up the only real relationship i've ever been happy in, you don't deserve a second chance.

"okay. do you want me to come with you?" mattia asked me.

i wasn't sure if it was a good idea for mattia to come with me. but if alex tried anything, then mattia would be there to protect me.

"yeah i guess" i really wasn't sure.

i logged onto snapchat and looked for alex's location. i eventually found it and he was only a block away. i wondered what he was doing and
then i realized that there was a yogurt shop
down the street. he was probably there,
plotting with jasmine.

"he's a block away. let's go" i said while i grabbed everything i need.

we walked down the street. because it was only a block away, we figured that we wouldn't waste money on an uber.

we got to the yogurt shop and alex was sitting outside eating frozen yogurt alone. why would this motherfucker be alone?

"alex" i said, coming up behind him.

"chris!" he sounded excited to see me.

he stood up and gave me a hug.

Mattia's pov:

i stayed a few steps behind chris and watched her go up to alex. he pulled her into a hug that went on a little too long for my comfort. i saw her sit down with him at the table and start talking.

i didn't know if i should come up and sit next to her or if i should just stay back and wait for alex to try something.

"yeah" i heard alex say and laugh shortly after.

Christina's pov:

alex seemed to be getting friendlier and friendlier by the minute. he kept reaching out and grabbing my hand, looking me up and down, just being weird. i wanted to signal to mattia to come sit by me but i was waiting until alex tried something.

"so i was thinking, since you and mattia are broken up, we could go on a date" he asked me.

"oh um i'm still getting over him. i don't know if it would be a good idea-" he cut me off.

"i'm going to make you fall in love with me chris" he spoke, seductively.

"alex, we're best friends, what's going on with you?" i questioned him.

he stood up and came around to my chair. i saw mattia get assertive from a couple yards away. alex hadn't noticed him yet.

alex came down and put his head to rest on my shoulder. he leaned in a little more before whispering in my ear.

"i'm going to make you fall in love with me" he said.

i didn't know what to do. i felt my chest tighten and my throat cave in. i was having a panic attack. i quickly figured out a way to get alex to back the fuck away from me.

"alex i read the email" i blurted out.


What The Fuck Polibio?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora