eighty eight

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Mattia's pov:

it had been a few days since don passed away and the police came to the complex.

i was just sitting on my couch, waiting for literally anything to happen. i had called into the gucci store that chris used to work at and told them what happened. they told me since chris wasn't working there anymore, there was a job spot available.

"thank you so much. i'll be in around noon so if it's okay with you, we could have the interview then?" i talked to a worker on the phone.

i was waiting for a call since today was the day i would go in and take chris's place at the designer store. it was about 9am and my meeting was at noon so i had a couple hours to spare.

as i was waiting to get a confirmation call from the gucci store, i figured i would make myself something to eat.

"if you pour your milk before your cereal... fuck off" i said out loud, talking to myself as i made breakfast.

i went and sat back down on the couch to watch some netflix. i opened my phone and logged in the app on there. i didn't like watching it on my computer or tv just because i couldn't focus on it as well as i could on my phone. as i opened the app, my screen freezes and i get a call.

"hello" i answered.

"hello i would like to speak to mattia polibio" the voice said.

"this is him" i took a spoonful of cereal into my mouth just as i finished my sentence.

"i would just like to inform you that we were able to prove don's wife guilty for murdering don. she is now contained, you have nothing to worry about" the male speaker explained to me.

"oh thank god. how did you prove her guilty?" i asked.

"after the autopsy, it was revealed that he had been stabbed, cut, and burnt multiple times. after inspecting don's wife's house, we retrieved a steak knife with burn marks on it. upon finding this weapon, we sent it to the lab to find fingerprints and traces of don's dna on it. we got a confession out of his wife and were able to put her away for good" he finished.

"oh my... i feel awful he had to go through that. i'm glad his pain is gone" i said sympathetically.

"yes. now that's not really the reason i called you... i would like to pursue this 'chris' case. and i need all the information you have so we are able to find the killer and possibly the body" he spoke.

"woah um... yeah sure. when should i come down to the station?" i wanted to send my dealer to prison for what he did.

"whatever works for you. i have today at 2:30-3 open and 4-4:30 open" he told me.

"2:30 sounds good. i'll be there" i assured him.

today was going to be a busy day.


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