forty six

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Mattia's pov:

i called an uber pretty much just as chris went into work. i needed to find a job. i decided to go see if any fast food places were hiring. i asked the uber if she knew anywhere that was and she said that she saw a taco bell that had a 'hiring' sign.

she agreed to take me there and drop me off for no additional charge. what a nice lady.

"thank you so much" i smiled and got out of the car.

"of course sugar. good luck" she waved and drove away.

wow okay so i was really going to do this. for chris right? for chris.

i walked into the taco bell passing the 'hiring' sign. i walked up to the counter and saw that there was a very very attractive woman working at the register.

"hello sexy. may i help you" she smiled.

"i seen you were hiring" i grinned back at her.

wow she was very pretty. not prettier than chris though. chris was perfect. perfect for me. i must've zoned out thinking about my bubba because the girl at the counter began snapping in my face.

"wake up pretty boy. let me bring you to the back for an interview" she said and started walking to the back office.

i sat down in the chair and the girl began pulling out files. she pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me along with a black pen. she asked me to fill out all of the spaces. there was a 'name' space, a 'zip code' space, a 'phone number' space and an 'emergency contact' space. i filled the first three out easily and then it got to emergency contact. i was stumped. i didn't know who to put so i put chris and my landlord. hopefully they would both be okay with that.

"mattia polibio. that's such an attractive name. never heard it before. must be foreign. what brings you to taco bell?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"i just need a job that's it" i told the girl with a stone face, i didn't want to suggest anything.

"alright cutie let's get you a name tag" she turned around and started walking to another room.

yes. i had landed the job. turns out, if you're hot, you can easily get accepted for a job at taco bell. i laughed at my thoughts before walking in the room behind the girl.

"here's your name tag. do you go by mattia?"

i thought about chris and the names she calls me. bubba, handsome, matti.

"yes i go by mattia" i stated as she put it into the machine, printing out my name on the tag.

i took it and thanked the worker. she kept looking at me with a weird smirk. i just smiled back in a friendly way. i was loyal to chris and chris only. she was the one for me.

"alright we have your phone number so we'll text you with your potential work schedule and you can let us know if it works for you. thanks for coming in cutie pie" she winked as i smiled and thanked her again.

i couldn't tell if she was my age, a little older, or a little younger. either way she was pretty, i won't deny that, but not for me. a little too flirty. a little too bold i guess. i liked something i had to work for. i liked chris. case closed.


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