ninety two

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Mattia's pov:

i stood in the door way and starred at the girl before me. it was chris. but she looked different. older, worn out, tired. i didn't know what to say.

"we've been expecting you" she said to me.

"chris?" again, was all i could say.

"don't look all surprised. you knew it was too good to be true" she said with an evil grin on her face.

"chris... i thought you cared..." i couldn't finish my sentence.

"i did. i was the love of your life. i was the girl of your dreams. but guess what pretty boy, i work for the opp" she smiled almost proudly.

"you died. i saw you die" i tried not to cry.

"you saw wrong love" she barked.

she grabbed my arm and basically dragged me inside the house. i saw my dealer there along with jasmine. chris sat me in a chair and then went over and stood by jasmine. my dealer came up to me and knelt down.

"you are a persistent little son of a bitch aren't you" he said, inches away from my face.

"i loved her" i let a tear fall.

"tough guy over here got all soft all of a sudden?" he spoke towards chris and chuckled.

"my impact was too much on the poor boy" chris laughed.

"you really did a number on him" jasmine joined into the laughter.

"she was all i had" i talked quietly to myself.

"wah wah might as well cry it all out now so we don't have to hear it later" jasmine said seeming annoyed.

"let him whine" my dealer spat and walked to the back of the house. "jasmine. come with me hun" he demanded as jasmine followed him.

"sir-" chris started to ask.

"just keep him company sweetheart. i'll be back in a while. i have some business to take care of down town" he winked at chris and kept walking with an arm wrapped around jasmine.

i sat and watched them walk away, all the hope i had for my escape, leaving my body all at once.


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