Chapter One-Hundred And One

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Just enjoy this!

Diego's P.O.V

"BOO!" My mom said when he jumped up from nowhere.

"AHHHH! ¿Quién diablos está ahí?!" I screamed. (Who the hell is there?!)

"Jeeze calm down kiddo its just me" Mom snickered. My aunts, uncles, cousins, father and siblings laughed.

I only use Spanish when I'm scared or angry.

"¡¿EN SERIO MAMÁ?!" I yelled, stomping my foot. (Seriously mom)

He laughed and patted my head.

"I wanna learn Spanish!!!" Luna said.

"You're Hispanic Luna. You should already know it" I snarled at her.

"Ehhhhhhh, not really. Some of your siblings aren't Hispanic" Bonnie said.

"Why not?! That's not fair! I wanna know Spanish!" Lin wailed.

"Calm down little one. You get my inheratience(Whatever you get the point). I can speak more then Spanish" Mom said.

"Hægri rétt" Lin said. (Right, right. It's Icelandic)

"Good son" Bonnie smiled.

"WHAT?! HOW?! YOUR FIVE!" Ash said.

"Hey! You can speak Arabic!" Lin snapped.

"Muthir lil'iiejab" Freddy smirked. We all looked at him. (Interesting in Arabic. My favorite speaking)

"Whut?" We all said. Ash's face lit up.

" 'Ant taerif alearabiat 'aydaan?!" Ash asked. (You know Arabic too?!)

"Nem" Freddy smiled. (Yep)


"HEY! I'M STILL LEARNING! I had to drop out of school early before I learned Spanish yeesh" Freddy said.

"Soooo, I can drop out of school?!" Lucky asked. Freddy laughed sarcastically.

"Yeah no. You've got a lot of learning to do kid. Learning is more about books and reading" Freddy said.

"What?! No it's all about that!" Lucky said.

"Alright then. What is the square root of 34 divided by -20 times 3/4?" Freddy asked. "You've got ten seconds"

"Ummmm......" Lucky thought.

"Wrong the answer is -0.21866069605. Ya gotta learn more then reading kid" Freddy said.

"How-?" Mike asked.

"I told you I'm the smartest guy on earth" Freddy said.

Foxy's P.O.V

True true. But I'm second.

"Cool! Teach me!" Lucky said.

"First finish school" Freddy said.

"When did YOU drop out of school?" Amy asked. Freddy chuckled.

"I actually dropped out of school at the age of 11. And just stayed in London until it was time for me to go home. But I also was forced to go back to school at 15 by my lovingly mother" Freddy said.

"COME ON DIZZY WE GOTTA DROP OUT OF SCHOOL!" Lucky grabbed Dizzy's hand but I stopped them.

"Your not going anywhere" I said.

"But I don't wanna go to school" Dizzy whined.

"Too bad kiddo. Your going back to hell tomarrow" I said.

Fonnie(Its not really just the first couple thirty chapters)Where stories live. Discover now