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Sung-jae stretched out his arm and wrapped it around So Hyun. After scanning his eyes across the apartment, he placed a set of keys on the coffee table and said, "This home is currently my most expensive possession. I'll give it to the both of you. You can live in it if you want, otherwise, selling it is not a bad idea either."

Father Park and Mother Park were stunned as they glanced at each other and asked Sung-jae, "You're giving your apartment to us? Are you saying that we only want your money?"

"Sung-jae, just because you have your hands on a rich heiress now, have you forgotten the promises you made to our Soo-young...?" Mother Park began to cry.

"Soo-young is already dead. Did you expect me to spend the rest of my life with her ashes?" Sung-jae's voice suddenly turned cold. "Not only are you not my birth parents and have no right to intervene with my affairs, this is my life we're talking about. You've already received what you wanted. Isn't that already enough?"

"Sung-jae, those aren't very nice things to say..."

"I'm already being polite. You are well aware of what you've taken from me over the years. I can accept that you needed to use it for yourselves, but you instead gave everything to your newlywed son. He should be the one that's taking care of you."

"I will move out of this apartment as soon as possible. From now on, I hope the two of you can stop clinging on to me."

In reality, Sung-jae knew these two elders were like vampires sucking him dry. In fact, he knew it for some time.

But, it never bothered him too much because he thought they had a bottom line. However, So Hyun had now been hurt, so he could no longer tolerate them.

"You're not going to take care of us until we die?"

"You didn't give birth to me!" Sung-jae growled. "Auntie, a moral person needs to learn some restraint."

After hearing Sung-jae's words, So Hyun finally understood what was involved; even the son of the Park Family relied on Sung-jae to survive. They had a son of their own, yet they didn't rely on him, instead they clung to Sung-jae just because he was once their daughter's boyfriend.

So Hyun was aware that Sung-jae was a loyal person. But, she also understood that they had reached his bottom line.

However, So Hyun did not want him to be at a loss anymore.

So, she said to the elders, "Since the two of you won't accept something as superficial as this apartment, then I'll take it."

Hearing this, the other three people in the room froze.

A moment later, Mother Park yelled angrily, "He already gave it to us..."

"Why should he be giving this to you? Who are you to him?" So Hyun asked. "His money didn't fly in with the wind. He worked long and hard for it. Why should he just hand it over to you? I don't care. I'm taking it..."


"Sung-jae, you told us that you'd give this apartment to us! Are you going back on your words?" Of course, Mother Park couldn't beat So Hyun's shamelessness, so she turned back to Sung-jae instead.

"Yes, he's going back on his words. Since no documents have been signed yet, what can you do about it?" So Hyun shielded Sung-jae behind her. "If it wasn't because the two of you are Soo-young's parents, I would have kicked you miles away by now. Did you think you'd still have the chance to come here and voice your opinions?"

"So Hyun..."

"Sung-jae, let me tell you, no matter how much of a grudge or debt you owe Soo-young, you've already paid it back over the years. You may want to treat someone wholeheartedly, but they need to be grateful in return. So, I would like to ask these two slackers to leave. Nothing in this house has anything to do with you!" So Hyun said as she pointed to the door.

Trial Marriage Husband: Need To Work Hard (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now