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The school immediately kept the incident under wraps and began to search for the kids. But, the culprit seemed as though they had predicted this, so they took the kids away without leaving any clues.

Meanwhile, the teacher in charge of the two kids pretended to break down in tears. He knew he couldn't handle the consequences, so apart from notifying the school and contacting the parents, he also called the police.

Therefore, by the time that Jennie and Lisa arrived at the school, the police had also arrived as well. They also began investigating everything that was suspicious. However, they didn't gain any useful evidence.

But, how could two kids disappear just like that?

"I'm so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Manoban, the school failed to monitor your kids. Under the current circumstances, I can only try my best to assist the police so they can find your two boys. I hope you can trust in us."

At that moment, Jennie didn't hear a thing. All she could do was stare at the bed where her kids once slept and not say a word.

Lisa looked at Jennie worriedly. He then turned to the principal and said, "Please step out first."

The principal wanted to do more convincing, but when he saw Jennie's dazed expression, he did not continue to bother her.

"This isn't real..." Jennie mumbled as she touched the little blue bed in front of her. "Lisa...this can't be real."

"We'll definitely find them," Lisa replied. "Trust me, we'll definitely find them. It's not the time to be upset."

"I should have realized earlier. Elder Wang went as far as to poison Jackson just so he could go up against Manoban Entertainment, but it seems, this was his motive all along," Jennie turned around and looked at Lisa with self-blame. "I shouldn't have left them."

"This wasn't your fault. The most important thing now is to find them."

Jennie remained silent for a few seconds as though she was trying hard to regain her composure. After a little while, she nodded her head, "Yes, we need to find our kids. But, the kidnapper hasn't left behind any clues. Where do we start? Will Elder Wang let us find them?"

"Yes he will!" Lisa replied confidently.

Jennie tried her best to hold back her tears as she approached Lisa. However, just as they walked out the door, she almost twisted her ankle.

The two twins had suddenly gone missing...

They disappeared without a reason...

The media immediately caught wind of the incident and surrounded the school.

Soon after, news of the missing kids appeared on every single news source. In fact, it was plastered across the main headlines, "The sons of infamous artist, Jennie, and Manoban Entertainment CEO, Lisa, went missing from their school on the XXth. At present, the police are still investigating the matter and haven't received any new leads."

[Twins apparently kidnapped: Jennie's sons suddenly missing]

[Sons of Jennie missing: police currently searching for the kidnapper!]


As a mother who had just discovered that her sons were missing, Jennie immediately called Ashley, "Give me Elder Wang's phone number..."

"Jennie, I've seen the news."

"Ashley, I don't have time to talk about other things. I simply want to find my kids," Jennie's voice slightly trembled.

So, Ashley did as requested and immediately found Elder Wang's number on her phone. Afterwards, Jennie punched the numbers into her phone and called the old man.

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