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Did this mean that Jennie was responsible for the loss of two lives?

The public immediately erupted into discussions.

"Couldn't she have peacefully remained as a diamond manager? Why must she stick her nose into everything? She even tried to create a so-called national sci-fi film and caused someone to lose their life."

"I really want to know what Jennie's thinking. I can't understand her..."

"Who would go watch a domestically produced film that resulted in a death? That's extremely auspicious!"

"Please, Jennie, if you don't want to act then don't do it, stop acting recklessly, you've already killed two people."

Although the negative comments were expected, Rosé and Doyeon still felt that it was too extreme.

"Should we get Qiao Sen's daughter to rectify things?"

"No need. Don't drag Qiao Sen's daughter into this mess," Jennie rejected as she shook her head. "I'm fine, you guys don't need to worry about me. When I first decided to announce Qiao Sen's death, I already expected the consequences."

"OK. But, be aware that President Fan will definitely take this opportunity to cause trouble..."

"I hope he does!" Jennie looked at her computer screen as she said in an extremely cold tone, "An a*sshole is an a*shole because they don't know how to be considerate even when you've already shown them mercy."

Qiao Sen's death was a huge blow for Jennie, but it also made her realize many things. Just like Lisa said, life had always been difficult in itself, yet one had to be ready for accidents to happen at any time. So, rather than sitting around and waiting for accidents to happen, it was better for them to live happily. That way, when they grew old someday, they could look back on their lives and not feel like it was a waste.

"You guys go ahead and work. I don't need any company."

If someone else was in Jennie's position, they would not be able to persist under such difficulties.

Especially now that the director passed away and the public were insulting and criticizing her.

Worst of all, President Fan was constantly monitoring them and waiting for a chance to strike.

Not only was he an a*shole, he even secretly inquired about 'The Ant Queen's' filming location and posted photos of their progress online.

An exploitative act like that was extremely disgusting.

Later on, President Fan even manipulated the netizens into demanding Jennie for an apology and tried to force her to cease filming.

He practically did all he could to make Jennie suffer.

Of course, for Luo Sheng and Xing Lan, who had already transferred to Manoban Entertainment, this incident didn't affect them much at all. Ji Woo, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. Many of her recent activities were canceled for no reason, and even though she didn't investigate the matter, she knew exactly who benefited from it all.

But, Ji Woo did not blame Jennie. After all, during her most difficult time, Jennie helped her back on her feet. So, even if the entire world turned on Jennie, she would never oppose her.

5 days later, a memorial service was to be held for Qiao Sen. Although the public criticized Jennie, their level of respect towards Qiao Sen increased. This was because they thought Jennie had 'tormented' him to death. When they took into consideration everything else he had done in the past, they all agreed that he was well-deserving of respect.

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