Dofia Forever (T)

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Dofia Forever written by Oofchicken896

Dofia Forever written by Oofchicken896

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I like that your cover is representative, but it's a bit messy. It has good aspects, but the font is very small and there are white spaces that would look better covered up. I would recommend seeing what you can do to pick just one or two pictures that fit, and then making the font bigger.

The title--although very generic--is good for your story. It represents that it's fanfiction, and that's a good thing. However, there is potential for you to make it a bit more intriguing. Is there anything else in your book that might work? Any big concepts or ideas that might better fit the title?


I like how short your blurb is, but it lacks some clarity. I'd recommend shortening some of your sentences and putting a bit more information for readers to understand. As is, your blurb is a little confusing and very short--you definitely could add more about the characters and what exactly will happen to them in your book. I'd also recommend reading your blurb out loud and applying some of the tips I provide in the next section.

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You have logistical errors that affect the clarity of your story

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You have logistical errors that affect the clarity of your story. Luckily, you're at the point where most of these mistakes are easy fixes. Let's go over a few:

Periods are vital. You don't use many. Periods allow the reader to take a breath. Your sentences are a couple hundred words long, which are hard for a reader to follow. A lack of periods in your book leads to a lot of run-on sentences, and a lot of confusion. Make sure that you type a period every time you would have to take a breath.

Be careful of overusing 'and'. 'And' is a really helpful word in writing, but it looks messy if it's overused. 'And' is a powerful conjunction, but it's not the only way to include something. Try using other synonyms or adding in those periods to take out some of this repetition here.

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