More To Family (A)

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Title: More To Family

Author: DrizzleTheWolf

Chapters Reviewed: 1-4

Cover: Your cover is very nice and fitting for the story! The only issue I have with it is the rough edges on the top grayish wolf. The white, glowing outline is a little choppy going around the wolf, particularly on the back. While it's not bad, it does reduce the quality of the cover just a smidge. This is a personal preference, but I feel like removing the white outline entirely from that wolf would make it look a lot better. The fonts that were used here fit well with the cover and the lovely background with the moon.

Title: I really like it, but I keep wanting to write "More To The Family '' instead. xD This isn't a common title either, which is even better for your story! With it surrounding werewolves and how they tend to have a more familial tie with their pack, it fits well.

Blurb: You keep it relatively short and to the point, which is good! You've provided enough details to get the gist of the story. The only thing that has me a little confused is the line, "He has a sister and loyal friends to stand by his side" because you then mention how his friends' loyalty is nowhere to be found in the next sentence. It feels rather contradictory. A way to make it more interesting and make us wonder if they're really loyal could be using quotations on the "loyal friends" part like I just did to indicate how those friends might not be so loyal after all.

This is also just a personal pet peeve of mine, but don't give away who dies in the blurb! It takes away a lot of the emotional impact a reader can have, in my experience. We already know the sister will die, so there's nothing to be shocked or upset about. Even if she is only mentioned briefly or doesn't live long at all, I'd suggest not giving that bit away yet. Save her mention of death for the story. Let us experience her death while reading. Not being spoiled in the blurb.

First Impression:

This story reminded me so much of the series by a few authors under the pseudonym Erin Hunter. Survivors and Warriors, which were my absolute favorites as a kid! I have to admit, going into this I expected more of the common tropes I see within the wolf and werewolf genre here on Wattpad. Thankfully, this story didn't fall down that pattern and it had me hooked within the first chapter!

I really like the concept of this story, as it reminded me of the aforementioned childhood favorites. Drizzle seems like such a sweet protagonist, just trying to survive and get justice for his sister. I hadn't expected such a horrific villain in the first chapter, but it was such a pleasant surprise and had me on the edge of my seat while reading. I do wonder more about that Alpha and what got him to that position. Even villains have their own backstories on what made them the way they are, regardless of whether it was tragic or traumatizing. Perhaps he learned the best way to be a fearless leader was to bully his wolves and strike fear into them so they never betrayed them. Drizzle just happened to be someone who might overpower him, so he took what meant the most to him. Maybe he realized the two of them together would've been enough to take him down? That's why he needed to get rid of them for good.

Overall, I found myself thoroughly enjoying this story and intrigued to see what happens for Drizzle. I do wonder more about his sister's death and how they discovered her body. With Alpha attempting to lie in the beginning, I sense it was something entirely different from what's going on with Drizzle. He brought her out to that river and murdered her in cold blood. I'm assuming her body washed up later and Drizzle likely found her. If not and I'm way off track then I'm curious to learn what really happened there. I'm sure it will be revealed later in the story.

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