Got Tickets for the Show if You Want Something to Believe in

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Author's Note:

This is a content preview for Chapter 204 of Jules' story. It's definitely the tip of the iceberg and is sort of holding me back from getting Chapter 151 of Addie's story done. My plan is after I finish Chapter 151 of Addie's story (I think I'm in or almost in the final stretch of writing it) I'll get started on Chapter 204 of Jules' story.

I hope you enjoy this content preview! Thanks for reading!

I entered the bedroom and gasped at what I saw. Hundreds of puzzle pieces all over the floor. It looked as if the box had exploded. The puzzle mat was blank. Clearly someone had taken all the connected pieces off it and threw them across the room. Someone who I couldn't believe would have enough patience to do that but who else could it have been?

They even attempted to rip the mat apart but must've given up when the sticky, plastic, rubbery material wouldn't give. So, they chucked that across the room too where it landed half propped up against the wall.

I looked over at the bed and noticed Liam's weighted blanket was gone. His suitcases weren't though which made finding him dead easy.

I went over to the closet and opened the door. "Hi." I greeted him.

"I wanna go 'ome!" He exclaimed staying sat on the floor inside the closet wrapped up in his blanket. "I don't wanna fuckin' be 'ere no more! You lot can stay if yer want but I'm fuckin' outta 'ere!" He pulled the blanket more up over himself as he turned into the corner.

"Okay." I nodded. "Let's get our stuff packed."

It didn't take it very long then we drug it all downstairs.

"The fuck're yous up to?" Noel asked when he saw our suitcases.

"The fuck do you care?" I shot back.

He sighed. "Look, Jules. I'm s-"

"Fuck off!" I screamed. "I don't need this shit! Liam don't need this shit! Even Gene don't need this shit!"

"Yeahr, b-"

"Gene? Gene?!"

Gene stared at me curiously.

"Are you comin' or stayin'?"

"Course I'm comin'." He replied. "I gotta drive don't I?"

Noel looked at me with guilt flickering in his eyes. "Don't fuckin' do this! I'm s-"

"The goats always pick the coldest, crappiest nights to kid." I informed him. "Good luck!"

Noel continued begging and pleading for us not to go the whole way out to the car. Well, he focused more of his pleas on me. I don't think he had the bollocks to face Liam at that point so it was probably better for him to play it safe.

Liam, Gene, and I loaded up in the car with Gene driving, me in the front passenger seat, and Liam in the back. The car ride was silent...until we got out on the main road.

"Are you plannin' to kill someone?" Gene questioned me. "'Cuz I'm still on probation in case ya forgot-"

"Stop talkin' about this fuckin' shit, will yer?" Liam spoke before I could.

We got back to Hampstead and settled into the flat. It felt weird to be back but considering the circumstances, I'm sure that added to it.

Liam hid away in the bedroom. It was so odd to see him retreat but I knew he felt more secure. Or maybe he just needed some time to himself for a bit. Sort everything out on his jack.

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