And After All...

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Author's Note:

One month from today marks a year since I saw Noel in concert. And I might get to see him again a little over a month after that if things work out to allow it. *Fingers crossed.* You can consider this somewhat of another tie-in to the "An Evening with Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds" series if you'd like. Since I'm getting a little bored with how that's going, I decided to change things up a little bit by way of this chapter. It may seem like a regular chapter revisit but it's a little different. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again for reading!


Why would she tell me she loved me if she didn't mean it? She left our Noel to come back to me. To tell me she loved me. To stay in my flat. In my bed.

I held onto her. I wasn't going to let her go.

But somehow she got away.

And back to him. She always went back to him.

I couldn't fucking take it anymore. He played everyone. Even her. She was too smart to be another one of his puppets. He had his control over everyone else but I'll be damned if I'd let him try to take control over her.

She was mine. She always had been.

She just didn't realize it yet.

They were heading off to Scotland so him and his high flying fucktards could start their UK tour. Not that I gave a shit.

I was more concerned about her.

And what the fuck she'd do with him.

She didn't like sharing a bed with him. I bet that did his fucking head in. I had no trouble getting her into bed with me, even if it was just for a kip.

I can't imagine our Noel would splurge and get her her own room. Or even double beds. That'd be fucking embarrassin'. You rent a room with your missus with two beds in it? The concierge would have so much leverage to take the piss.

And so would I.

I don't even know what happened. We were good, me and her. She came back after fucking off from Noel, told me she loved me, and that was it. At least, that's how it seemed.

I slept really well that first night she was back. It was the best kip I'd had in I couldn't remember how long. Just having her there was enough to keep the nightmares out of me head and allow me to get some peace.

I made sure to hold onto her too. She wasn't going to get away. I wrapped my arms around her and held on tight. But not too tight. It was hard not to though. She was so fucking warm. And them little shorts she had on...they were so fucking thin. So. Fucking. Thin. I felt myself twitching and tried crossing my legs a bit.

I couldn't freak her out. I had to behave.

She grabbed a hold of my left hand and held it up near her mouth. Her lips felt so soft on my fingers. My other hand had gone completely numb but I didn't care. I had her.

Nothing else mattered.

It was nice and dark and quiet. We both fell asleep quickly and stayed that way...until her phone started ringing.

That one song by Jet blasted from the nightstand on her side of the bed. It was her favorite song, that.

But in the circumstances we were in, it was fucking annoying.

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