You [Do] Need an Education to Know the Class that You're In

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            The house was quiet even with all the hustle and bustle of our morning routine. There really wasn't much to it though. Gene was in the bathroom getting ready for school while I packed his lunch.

"Need any help?" Matt offered leaning against the counter beside me.

"No thanks. I'm good." I replied keeping my attention focused on Gene's bologna sandwich. "Gene?!"

"What?!" He called back.

"Are you about ready?"

"Almost! Just keep your frickin' shirt on!"

My eyes widened in shock. "Watch your frickin' mouth!"

He finally appeared a couple minutes later.

"You want breakfast?" I offered even though I hadn't fixed anything. School days were too busy for fry-ups but cereal or toast could be sorted just fine.

"No thanks." He replied shaking his head. "I'll just get some at school. Them breakfast pizzas they have are mint!"

I smirked a little. "Alright but don't say I didn't offer."

We got our shit together and loaded up in the car. Matt drove while I rode shot gun and Gene sat in the backseat.

"I could drive, y'know." Gene remarked as we got on the main road. "But our Jules won't let me."

I rolled my eyes. "Gene-"

"I'm buyin' a truck, y'know." He continued. "A Ford F-Three-Fifty-"

"The hell are you gonna do with a truck?" Matt inquired looking at him in the rearview mirror.

"Drive it. Go muddin'. Tyler said-"

"Oh for God's sake!" I exclaimed leaning my head back against the headrest.

"I'm gonna buy a boat as well." Gene continued. "A fuckin' massive pontoon boat so we can go fishin' all summer."

"We?" I raised my eyebrows a little. "You got a mouse in your pocket?"

He shrugged. "Might. But seriously though. Tyler said they go to all these lakes and that and down the River and I told him-"

"You were gonna buy a boat?" Matt raised his eyebrows also and I swear it was Nic driving for a second.

Gene nodded slightly before sitting back in his seat and staring out the window. "I ain't rich but I damn sure wanna be." He sang softly.

I clicked my tongue. "Oh for fuck's sake!"

"Workin' like a dog all day ain't working for me." He got a little louder. "I wish I had a rich uncle that'd kick the bucket. And that I was sittin' on a pile like Warren Buffet. I know everybody says money can't buy happiness..."

But it could buy me a boat

It could buy me a truck to pull it

It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets

Yeah and I know what they say

Money can't buy everything

Well maybe so

But it could buy me a boat

He kept singing and I couldn't help joining in on the next part.

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