'[He] Ain't Done Yet'

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            "Good morning, Great Britain!" The familiar voice exclaimed through the speakers.

            I jumped at it and woke right up.

            "The fuck's this thing on for anyway?" I groaned as I stared at the glowing red numbers and noticed the little glowing red dot. "Fuck knows I didn't set it! Blue?" I turned to face her but she wasn't there next to me.

            "Probably fixin' the tea." I reasoned. It was morning and definitely time for a brew. And breakfast. My stomach growled. Even summat as simple as Weetabix or Ready Brek sounded mega.

            As long as it was with her.

            I stretched out a bit waking me self up as he kept talking.

            "And if you're just joinin' us, ladies and gentlemen," he said, "the lovely Juliet Anderson, I'm sorry, Juliet Anderson-Gallagher has just dropped by."

            "You what?" I said turning towards the clock.

            "Good morning, Jules!" He spoke again.

            "Blue?" I called. This couldn't have been happening. I was just hearing things.

            "Good morning!" Her voice was loud and clear...right through them fucking speakers.

            Panic and confusion started coursing through me. What the fuck was going on? What was she doing on Chris Moyles' show? But more importantly, why the fuck didn't she tell me?

            I sat up and began searching for a note while they kept talking. She always left me a note. Well most times anyway. To let me know where she went and when she'd be getting back. On top of me nightstand but there wasn't one there.

            I opened the drawer of the nightstand as well. She never put a note in there and I had too much shit squirreled away for it but...it didn't hurt to check.

            My heart started pounding a little more. I don't know why I was upset. It was obvious where she was after all.

            "I need a fuckin' brew." I sighed as I got out of bed.

            My mind couldn't process owt until I had one. I went out to the kitchen and put the kettle on without bothering to put my clothes on beforehand. I really didn't see the point. I was in my gaff and when Blue finally got home there still wouldn't be a point...unless you count the one that'd be quick to form between my legs once she got there.

            I turned the stereo on while I got stuff out of the fridge and that.

            "So how long's it been now?" Chris asked.

            "One month." She replied.

            "Oh. Well congratulations!"

            I smiled as I poured more milk into the serving cup. Time had definitely flown and I still couldn't believe it'd been a month already since we said, "I do."

            "Now, I've gotta ask 'cuz the rumor mill is buzzin' of course, but is it true Noel was invited?"

            "No." I said flatly.

            "Yes." She told him. "But he couldn't come. Something came up-"

            "Yeah." I nodded. "A bunch a fuckin' bull shit!" He had no idea how lucky he fuckin' was. If it weren't for our Jules being so nice, he'd have never got invited.

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