I Know You Want It but You Love Yourself Too Much

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            They debated on releasing the new single at midnight. But then they got this great idea to let me do it instead. On the radio. On a Sunday. I was flattered but nervous at the same time.

I had to put all that behind me though. For the time being anyway. There was a launch party to attend and I, along with my date, had first class tickets.

I don't know why they chose London for the party. It made more sense to do it in Melbourne in some cramped, little pub. Regardless, everyone was in England ready to hoop it up for a new CD.

Noel was there too. Chris said they couldn't not invite him. He rode with me and Liam to the shin dig while Sara was off in Scotland again with the boys.

The club was packed with people. People I knew. People I didn't. People with British accents. People with Australian accents. People with Italian and American and a few other accents and dialects that turned the party into a real melting pot. Jet would never have the global power as other bands though. I'm sure they knew it and appeared to remain quite humble even when they did get some recognition.

I functioned as a journo that night as well as a party guest. Some people asked me questions in between me watching the crowd to get a feel for the vibe.

Liam stuck by me the whole time holding my hand and squeezing it tight when people got too close. His silent reminder that we were together.

I squeezed his hand back in reassurance and I felt his breathing get way easier. It was good to have him there. Jet thought he was funny. And he knew how to behave himself without trying too hard.

We were in the middle of a conversation with Davey Lane when the lights dimmed a little giving the whole crowd the signal. Everyone got quiet and then the video began playing on the screen.

A compilation of various points during recording and those subsequent few tour dates. I barely appeared more than a few seconds throughout it...until they got to the photo shoot.

We were in LA, just before Pittsburgh. The boys wanted a girl to feature on the single cover and picked me because I was a fan. Apparently they felt I still had a connection to life as a Jet fan. I guess that was true in a way but considering how long I'd been with Liam, even I had trouble believing it.

The creative directors dressed me in a blue t-shirt with a maroon zip up hoodie. Unzipped so you could see the blue. I wore jean shorts and white knee high socks as well. They had me sit on top of the back of a couch and hold a record size version of the album up and show it to the camera.

I was instructed to strike various poses. Kick one of my feet out. Smile. Stick out my tongue. Give the peace sign and whatever other idea popped into my or the directors' heads.

The video stopped and people kept cheering. Not for me, of course. But for the excitement of finally hearing something new by Jet. I couldn't help cheering too.

We only had to wait what? Eight years?

"They need you on stage, Jules." One of the PR people said after appearing in front of us out of nowhere.

"You what?" Liam said curiously.

"I don't go on stage, mate." I told the guy. That definitely wasn't my place.

"I'll go with you." Matt offered. He'd been standing with us since shortly after the video began.

"Okay." I moved to step forward.

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