If You Don't Make Up Your Mind, Then How Can I Drift Away?

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            Noel was due in Spain in a couple days. We talked on the phone every chance we could but he was really busy.

And pissed off.

"Some fucking idiot brought a bubble machine to the gig." He said one day. "A fucking bubble machine! Seriously, what the fuck is up with people these days?"

"I have no idea." I replied. I pictured the sight. Bubbles flying through the air and getting in Noel's face while he was singing and that. At least it wasn't a shoe.

He was in good spirits...for the most part.

I found an article about when he landed in Australia. He had fans waiting for him which he greeted politely. All he lacked was a smile.

'He never fucking smiles.' I thought as I read the article and stared at the pictures.

But then I remembered one time when he did smile.

"Good enough for Instagram?" He asked.

He never posted that picture of us at the League Cup and I was kind of glad for that. Neither one of us really wanted to show off our relationship. It was all one big secret and I think that was a good thing.

There were times when it felt like Noel and I weren't even dating. It felt weird when we did stuff but maybe that was because I was getting a taste of something else.

Something else that was in the shower as I read about Noel being Down Under.

He'd been "having a wash" for almost a half an hour by that point.

"Worse than a woman." I said to myself.

I headed back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. I listened to the water run and splash when Liam must've been scrubbing himself.

I pictured it all and was half tempted to have a look. He wouldn't have minded but...I had a boyfriend, remember?

The water shut off and I just sat and waited.

A couple seconds later he appeared from behind the closed door...in nothing but a white towel.

"Alright." He grinned.

"Alright." I replied.

"Ya could've joined me, y'know. Plenty a hot water to go 'round."

"I already had a shower this morning."

"Could've had another one." He said as he started digging through his top dresser drawer.

"We have to have limits." I told him.

He glanced back at me curiously. "Hard and soft limits?" He smirked.

I smiled and shook my head. "You know what I mean."

"No actually, I don't. You're gonna have to educate me there, Blue. You're the one with degree after all."

"Yeah but still, you have four GCSEs. That's gotta count for something."

"Not in this department." He said as he undid where the towel was tucked at his waist and let it drop to the floor.

'Whoa!' I thought as I stared at him. It was the first time I'd seen him naked. Or wait. Was it?

Still, it was something to see. My eyes had to have been as big as dinner plates and I'm sure Liam fucking loved it.

"Like what ya see?" He asked with a grin.

See? I told you.

"Sorry." I replied as I quickly looked away.

"Don't be. I don't mind ya starin'. I quite like it actually."

"I'm not having sex with you!" I blurted out.

"I know." He nodded.

He sounded so sweet. He really had been a sweetheart through all of this. He never pushed me beyond my boundaries. Sure, he made jokes about stuff but he was never a prick. Never.

"So how's our Noel likin' Australia?" He asked as he pulled his sweatpants up over his boxers.

"Good." I replied. "Except some knobhead brought a bubble machine to the show."

"At least it wasn't a shoe. Or some fuckwit running the side of the stage and knockin' his arse out cold. Got his ribs broke the last time that happened. I thought he'd been stabbed."

I remembered the video. Such craziness.

"He better thank his fuckin' lucky stars it were only bubbles this time. If he doesn't quit takin' the piss outta people, he's gonna regret it."

'Look who's talking.' I thought as I looked at him. He was so animated flailing his arm around pointing his finger at me like I was Noel or something.

The two brothers had a weird way of showing their affection. They loved each other. It was obvious. But they were too proud to admit it.

Noel was concerned for Liam because Liam always fucked shit up. He needed a baby-sitter, like I didn't already know.

Liam was concerned for Noel because he knew a lot of things that happened were his fault. Liam made the simplest things really difficult. Even if he couldn't admit it to anyone but his own mind.

They made it tough to decide which one was the better choice. So, I played with both of them. They enjoyed it. I think.

Liam's clothes were all on now but that didn't stop me from staring at him. He was beautiful but so was Noel.

How was I supposed to choose between them?

Author's Note:

I'm sorry that this one is so short. I just wanted to get something posted to keep things caught up. It's getting near some good parts in the original story that I'm excited to revisit probably from Liam's and Noel's points of view. Any requests for chapter revisits? I didn't think I could pull off telling things through Liam's and Noel's eyes but now I'm really enjoying it. I'm still up for specific requests if anyone has some though. And they don't have to be in order of how things go. I posted a new collection of short stories which will be about Jet. It was inspired by something a fellow writer on here did for Oasis which I'm sure you have been reading. I know I have. Like I said a long time ago, if it weren't for Jet, I would have never heard of Oasis. The Jet stories are probably going to be a lot harder to write than the other stuff I'm working on. Jet doesn't have near the amount of reference material that Oasis does but I still love them and want to write something about them. I know the initial stuff I've posted is kind of boring but I have to figure out how to develop the Jet boys' characters and/or figure out where to go with the stories in general. And I hope the recent update of Let Me Put You In The Picture didn't shock you too much. I was a bit nervous about posting it since it was pretty touchy material. I'm still trying to figure out where to go with it from there. Thank you all so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it! Thanks again for reading!

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