Noel Gallagher's High Flying Nubians

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            "So why are we going here?" I asked Noel as the car motored down the dusty back road.

"Got summat to show ya." He replied.

I raised my eyebrows curiously. "What kinda summat?"

"Just summat that you need to see." He grinned slyly.

I couldn't even begin to guess what it was. He hardly ever came down to Buckinghamshire anymore and I could count on one hand the number of times I'd been down there with him. His Country House. His getaway from the city when he needed a break from it.

The sun warmed everything up as we stepped out of the car and headed for the front door.

"Not goin' in there." He told me grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the house and towards the backyard.

The football pitch designed to look like the one Noel and the founding members of Oasis played on when they were kids still covered a big portion of the grass. Sonny and Donovan loved playing on it and so did Lennon and Gene whenever they got a chance to join in.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" I nodded at the field.

"Nope. Not even close!" Noel shook his head leading us on without stopping.

We kept going until we almost reached the tree line and stopped once we were stood in front of another building.

His groundskeepers probably took care of it for him ensuring it wouldn't get run down. He took me to see it before but there was nothing to see in it besides empty stalls without a trace of old sawdust or straw and the scent of animals long since faded away.


"Shh!" He shushed me. He turned back towards the barn. "Ee-arr! Girls! C'mon, girls!"

Just then, the sound of quiet bleats echoed from inside the barn before several creatures with giant, floppy ears popped their heads out through the open doorway.

Noel smiled at them. "Hello, ladies!"

They screamed in joy as they came barreling out of the barn and straight for the edge of the pasture fence.

My heart fluttered inside my chest while a grin spread across my cheeks as we approached them. "Nubians!" I squealed.

"Nah! Anglo-Nubians!" Noel corrected me.

"Not where I come from." I shook my head.

"Well they're not from where you're from. They're from Britain just like me!" He reached down and stroked one on top of its head. "Hello, Love!"

I smiled while I watched him. "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

He nodded. "It is, yeah. I've also got summat to ask you as well."

"Where are we goin'?" Liam asked as he packed his suitcase.

"Columbus." I informed him while I rummaged through his clothes hanging in the closet.

"Why're we goin' there?"

"I can't tell you." I found what I was searching for, pulled it off the clothes rack, and went back out into the main part of the bedroom.

"Why can't ya tell me?" He stared at me curiously clutching one of his shirts in his hands.

"Because then you won't do it."

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