Boy with [His] Blue(s)

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            "Welcome to the Northwest of England..."

            We'd finally made it, her and me. Well, we made it to the football match anyway. The Derby. City was going to cripple them red dickheads. I knew it. I fucking knew it.

            At least I thought I fucking did. The match was a fucking let down. Aguero, Yaya, none of 'em could make a shot in. And they were the professionals? Fuck off!

            So because I'm well pissed off about it (one – nil, United for fuck's sake), I'm not going to talk about the match. Instead, I'm going to finish me story about the one thing I could count on. The one thing that I always knew was a sure thing.

            And that was her.

            I fell for her the moment I met her. It was a crazy coincidence and I'm not sure if she's proud about it. She gave me an handjob and it was fucking brilliant and well, you've probably heard the rest. Or maybe you haven't. Fuck knows what goes on in my bedroom should be private but here I am, sat here telling you this story.

            Now back to it.

            She'd been with our Noel since January when he brought her back with him from New York. He only went because I asked him to. I didn't fucking know he'd take her from me. He and his missus had a spat and she kicked his arse out. Lucky for him he had three other gaffs he could fuck off to.

            So he took my bird to make up for it. And I had every right to be pissed. I don't feel bad for barging into his recording session either.

            But then again, I did feel bad. For her anyway. I just thought me and her were supposed to be together. I turned her ring around and that but she must've thought it was a joke. But it wasn't.

            And then she got with Noel. She moved in with him but she still snuck around with me. He didn't have a fucking clue and I doubt he cared anyway. Other than to look after her because she was young and she didn't know her way around the city. I think he thought her like his kid sister or summat. He always wanted one. Our mam thought I was going to be a girl. Bet that really did his head in when I turned out to be a lad. With a much bigger dick than his.

            I'm rambling again. Where was I?

            On her first night in London, I hoped she'd come stay at mine. I kept on her about it, even taking her phone from her so I could make sure she knew where I lived. And I had a bit of fun with it.

            "John Lennon, seriously?" She scoffed after she saw what I listed myself under.

            Why would she expect anything different? She told me she wouldn't be Yoko Ono and I was fine with that.

            "I'd rather be Pattie Boyd."

            I couldn't be arsed for George Harrison...fucking nipple. But for her, I'd make an exception. She liked reading and she loved Pattie Boyd's book. Said she could relate to her. So I started figuring it all out.

            Pattie never felt beautiful even though she had all kinds of blokes after her. She had low self-esteem even though she was a fucking model. George Harrison fell for her on the set of A Hard Day's Night and the rest was history.

            Our Jules was a shy one. She had to warm up to people before she really went out of her way to talk to them. She tended to just stand and listen while others spoke. But she was always comfortable around me to say whatever she felt like. She stood up for herself which made her different than Ms. Boyd.

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