Got Your Supersonic Beats Mixing Up My Cred

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            Sara and the kids were out and I had the house all to myself...for a little while anyway. Our Jules was stopping by for a visit. Don't know what Our Kid was up to but apparently he wasn't coming with her.

            I took advantage of the short time I had and popped my headphones on. Big fucking things I'd never wear out of the house. But at home they were alright and synced to my phone so I could play my music through them. Burt Bacharach sounded top then so I found a track and pushed play.

            I leaned back in the couch, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the soft chords.

            "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed when a loud siren replaced them. It jolted me right up making me yank off my earphones faster than I could think about it.

            I turned around to see her stood there with a shit-eating grin.

            "Guess who finally released their new track!" She said raising her hands in the air.

            I rolled my eyes and walked towards her holding my hand out. "Gimme my phone!"

            She twisted her face in confusion. "I don't have your phone!"

            I sighed trying to stay calm. "Jules. Give me my fuckin'-" The flash of light nearly blinded me. I got my bearings then took after her. "You-"

            She squealed as she ran off and into the spare bedroom. She slammed the door and I smacked against it with a loud thud.

            "Open the door, Jules! Now!" I ordered beating on it. "Open the fuckin'-" I stopped when I knew she wasn't going to listen to me. Our Liam must've really rubbed off on her but even then I don't think I could give him that much credit.

            I went and grabbed the key. My mouth fell open when I finally got it open. "Jules?"

            But she wasn't there. Just an open window with the breeze blowing the curtains back and forth.

            "Probably just went home." I reasoned. "To arse about and let Liam play..." I shuddered at the thought. Now wasn't the time to get myself worked up.

            Just then, my iPad lit up. Summat from Instagram to let me know someone liked my latest post.

            Hang on a minute! I didn't have my fucking phone!

            I opened the app and saw what the fuck they were on about.

            It was a video. From inside the tube it looked like.

            "Hello, followers of Noel's Insta!" She beamed into the camera. "Now I know you're probably expecting to see someone else right now but unfortunately that's not gonna happen. You see, our Noel had the audacity to not give a shit when Jet released their new song and now, he's paying the price for it. I suppose we could give him some credit since he asked Gem to join his High Flying Birds but still...he could've asked Nic Cester!" She held her hands up in a sort of shrug.

            "Well it looks like he's pretty busy, ya little-" I shook my head trying not to get worked up. I just sat there and watched her video or videos actually.

            She ran about London pointing out things she knew would piss me off.

            Ed Sheeran.

LMPYITP: The Random Passagesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें