Back the Bid

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            "Hello is this Jules?" A man asked politely when I answered my phone.

"Yes this is her." I replied. "Who's this?"

"Pat Salter, Design Director for Pretty Green."

"Oh." I said in a little shock. "Hi."

"Hi." He said with the sound of a smile in his voice. "The reason I'm calling you is to deliver a message, as Liam doesn't have a phone."

"Right." How could I forget that? Honestly, my mind boggled at the very idea. A grown man and he couldn't keep track of his own cell phone.

"He wondered if you'd come down to Pretty Green Headquarters today because he'd like to see you." Pat continued.

"Does he?"

"Yes." He confirmed. "Shall I instruct them to put tea on for you?"

"Sure." I replied. "Liam knows what I like."

"Okay. I'll put the order in straight away."

"Thanks." I smiled.

Pretty Green Headquarters was buzzing with people when I got there. It was a lot busier than the last time I was there.

"Can I help you?" A man at the front greeted me.

"Yeah." I said. "I'm here to see Liam."

He looked at me a bit confused. "And who are you?" He asked.

"Jules!" Liam yelled cheerfully as he came towards us.

"Hi Liam!" I replied with a small wave.

He put his arm around me. "This geezer givin' ya trouble?" He asked as he nodded at the guy I was talking to.

"No." I shook my head.

"Good 'cuz I'll have him sacked if he does."

"I don't think that's necessary." I assured him. "Come on. Where's that tea?"

We went upstairs to some room that had a couch and a coffee table in it. The tea was already there waiting for us. We sat down on the couch, grabbed our cups, and took our first sips.

"Have you heard of a band called Viola Beach?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Aren't they the ones who passed away in that car accident?"

"That's them, yeah. Terrible thing, that."

"I know. I read about it. It's so sad. They were so young."

"Yeah." He agreed. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Sure." I said. "What is it?"

He grabbed the laptop that was on the coffee table, put in his lap, and opened it. "We're tryin' to get Viola Beach to number one." He said as he typed into Google.

"Who's we?"

"Me, the lads from Kasabian, and the Roses."

"Oh that's cool." I said.

"I need ya to buy their song on your iTunes." He looked at me with those beautiful eyes. "Can ya do that for me? It's for a good cause."

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