The Blind Leading the Blind

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It was finally here. It was finally fucking here.

In just two days' time, we'd be married and on our honeymoon and I couldn't fucking wait.

She was asleep. I should've been too but there was a lot to think about. And we only had about twenty-four hours left to spend together.

The train to Manchester would be the last bit. Then our families would meet and we'd have to split off. Just for one night though but it'd still be fucking torture.

She probably wasn't bothered. It was probably going to be like a little holiday for her...away from me...away from-

'Stop it now!' I commanded inside my head. 'She loves you. She fuckin' loves you and you're gonna get married!"

I looked over and watched her sleeping. She was so peaceful. So beautiful. So many bloody things-

"What are you doing?" She asked blinking her eyes at me.

I shook my head. "Nothin'." I replied.

She smirked. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"No. I were sleepin'." I readjusted my head on the pillows.

She raised her eyebrows at me. "With your eyes open?" She questioned.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Got to, don't I? Make sure the Boogeyman don't come in here and-"

Her lips were so soft. So fucking soft and firm. She knew how to gain control and I didn't mind at all.

"Why'd you leave your boxers on?" She asked as she fiddled with me dick through the front of them. "You never wear them to bed."

"Yeah I know." I agreed. "I just um. I just...just erm..."

But I couldn't get the words right. My brain was too focused on what she was doing with her hand. And her fingers. Her liquid fucking fingers...

"Hang on a minute." I managed to say. "Blue. Wait just a-" I held my breath when she squeezed me harder.

It felt fucking mega but it couldn't fucking-

'No! No!' I panicked to myself. 'Not yet!'

I couldn't hold it off properly. I'd lost all control of it.

"I've made a mess in me boxers." I revealed as I lay my head back and stared up at the ceiling.

She lowered her eyebrows curiously. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"What d'you think?" I scooted myself over trying to reposition myself without touching anything. "I've got a gallon of fuckin' spunk in my shorts and I've're not supposed to do that sort of thing with clothes on, y'know."

"Well you wouldn't take them off!"

I tutted as I reached under and pulled them off. I grimaced at them before dropping them on the floor beside the bed. They'd be well stiff by the morning I reckoned.

Thank fuck they weren't my favorite pair.

I looked to my right and saw Blue's head facing away from me. Panic coursed through me again for a different reason than before.

I tried to stay calm though. She'd tell me worrying would only make things worse. I sighed as I sidled up next to her.

"Are ya still gonna marry me?" I asked as I buried my nose in the side of her neck.

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