"Test Transmission"

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Getting Born Again: Aussie Rockers, Jet, are Back and Ready to Roll

The Cavern Club is famous for jumpstarting the careers of four lovely young men from Liverpool but last night its walls were shaking due to another band's decibel blasts. They are the rock band, Jet, from Melbourne, Australia and they're back and ready to bring the world some much needed rock and roll.

Tickets sold out just hours before the show and fans were queuing in the very early hours of the morning. The venue was packed to the max and was beyond ready to get loud.

I was there to witness it all from backstage to general admission and am lucky to follow this band as they pay homage to how it all began.

In August 2003, they were all over the UK performing a sold out club tour to promote their debut album that hadn't even been released yet. And now, True Believers from all walks of life get a chance to relive the magic.

The Aussie rockers came out with guitars blazing as the audience welcomed them with much expected cheers and screams. They got down to business and for an hour and a half, they didn't cease to amaze.

Nic Cester, band leader and frontman, was in top performance, bowing to the crowd as the first opening riff fired off beside him. So polite. So charming. One gaze into those blue eyes and you're his for as long as he sees fit.

Cam Muncey, lead guitarist, bobbed along in familiar stride. Slow at first until he kicked up his heels and sent the crowd right back to at least 2004. His Flying V was as smooth and cool as he was and he never missed a beat when he and Nic performed their famous guitar battle/duet.

Mark Wilson, bass player, kept the band in line with that steady bass groove but had to switch off for a bit to provide the harmonic part in "Move On".

Chris Cester, entertained the masses with his drumming skills and antics, banging on every inch of his drum kit to make sure it all got put to good use.

They played a mix of old songs and new. Their latest album still has some post production work to finish and then your ears will be delighted even when you're not at a gig.

Tomorrow night, the boys cross the River Mersey where they'll rock out another almost sold out venue, Manchester Academy. If you haven't got your tickets yet, you better do so ASAP.

For all the latest news about Jet, be sure to follow this blog where you're sure to get an up close and personal look at what Jet's tour is all about.

Your Friend and Fellow True Believer,


Author's Note:

I considered making yet another LMPYITP spin-off – this time for Jules' blog. I made the cover for it but haven't set up a draft yet. I decided to post the first installment here instead and see about continuing it. I got the idea for it last night and wrote it today in place of something for the Madferit short stories. I'm hoping to work on both Jules' and Addie's next chapters tomorrow and if everything goes like I'd like it to, have them done and posted on Sunday. Jules' chapter, for lack of a better way of putting it, is making me nervous because of the plot. I'm not sure if I like what's about to happen but I doubt I'll change it. Addie's chapter is going to have an important event featured in it but I'd like to do some more research on it before I write it. The title of this story is a nod to Kasabian. I've been on a slight Kasabian kick and it'll be referenced in Jules' next update. Plus I really didn't know what else to call it. I like the title I came up with for her blog though. And since New Year's is on the horizon, I may as well mention a friend of mine was in London when Kasabian did that big NYE performance to ring in 2012. My friend didn't attend the gig though. I watched various videos of it on YouTube and loved Serge's coat. I put the video at the top because I couldn't find a good one of Jet to use instead but I suppose it's fitting for other reasons too. Have a great New Year's and I hope 2017 brings you happiness and great ideas for new stories!

I received a couple late arrivals from the North Pole which will definitely help with fanfiction research and make for a lovely Mat Whitecross Double Feature:

            I received a couple late arrivals from the North Pole which will definitely help with fanfiction research and make for a lovely Mat Whitecross Double Feature:

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Thanks again for reading!

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