The Circus Has Just Come to Town

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"Where the heck did I put it?" I wondered out loud as I continued my search.

I swore it was where I left it – on the coffee table waiting until I could read it again.

But it disappeared. That, or it grew legs and crawled back to the library where it came from.

I trudged through the flat checking every room...until I finally stopped.

"Liam?" I said watching him with my arms crossed over my chest. "What are you doin'?"

"Readin'." He replied keeping his face hidden behind the book.

"Are you really? Or are ya just lookin' at the pictures in the middle of it?"

I couldn't blame him for doing that though. Goodness knows I always did. It was one of the first things I did when I got a book, especially the nonfiction kind that usually featured a set of photos in the center.

"There's captions underneath of 'em!" He clutched the book a little closer to his face. "But there's too many words in the rest of it...and no pictures..." He flipped the page.

I walked over and sat down beside him on the couch. I tried to have a peek at the pictures in the book but he held it too close to his face for me to do so.

Until he finally lowered it.

"Gonna read this to us then?" He inquired passing the book to me.

I held my breath as I glanced from him to it. "I don't think you'll like it."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Why not?"

"Because it''s not your style."

"Why? 'Cuz it's not got a lotta pictures in? Or 'cuz it's not The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe?"

"No. Because it's-"

"Then what the fuck is it?!" He exclaimed.

I tutted. "Fine! I'll read it to you!" I huffed snatching the book away from him. "But I'm warnin' you now, it's a true story and it don't have a happy ending!"


"So we both know how you are when stories don't have happy endings."

"Yeahr." He agreed with a nod. "But if ya skip over the unhappy parts then there won't be an unhappy ending."

"True." I replied with a slighter nod than his.

"Course it's true." He nuzzled into me pushing me backwards. "Well fuckin' true." He lay down resting his head on my chest. "So get to readin', yeah? And I'll turn the pages."

"Okay." I repositioned myself to get comfortable.

I opened the book to the first chapter. I was way past it but ready to start over to catch Liam up.


I scrunched my nose turnin' me 'ead to escape it but it were no fuckin' use.

What the fuck was it? A wasp? A bee? I fuckin' hated anythin' that buzzed or stung. I weren't scared of 'em though. Our Paul thought he were bein' funny sayin' I was and I should've fuckin' leathered him for it but he ain't heavy, he's my brother...but what the fuck...

I opened my eyes to the sight of this gray thing. With a little tip on the end of it like a finger or summat.

I blinked my eyes adjusting to the light mixed in with a bit of darkness. Gray darkness. Fuckin' massive, big fuck off, gray darkness.

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