[She] Was Standing Lost and Lonely on the Shore

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          I don't know why I gave this story the title I did. Jules says she doesn't care too much for the song. Prefers the demo version. Whatever. I don't get it. That demo needed work. More verses and that to make it better. And who better to take care of that than me?

            I personally think the reason she prefers it has something to do with Our Kid. His voice was fucking brilliant back in the early days. And now he can't fucking sing. But something still draws Jules to him. She tries her best to hide it but I'm not fucking stupid.

            If it weren't for me, she wouldn't even be here...well actually she's not here. She's in London while I'm sat here in Australia telling you this bloody story. She refused to come with me. She likes London too much. I even tried to bait her by reminding her I'd be doing a gig in the hometown of Jet. She fucking loves Jet. I can't tell you how many times I've had to hear her go on and on about them. Or listen to their first two albums on repeat so many fucking times. Rarely heard the third album though. She wasn't too impressed by it. Pity.

            But she didn't take my bait and as far as I know she's in London. By herself. I can't help wondering if some shit is going on while I'm not there. Our Kid had taken her out one time when I called her. I interrupted their little soiree. Fuck knows what that entailed. She thinks I don't know she was at the Derby. I saw her on the Telly for fuck's sake! Did she actually think I wouldn't watch the match just because I'm on tour?

            I probably sound like such a prick right now but I don't mean to. She just looked like she was having such a good time without me I can't help getting upset.

            I suppose you're wondering how we got involved in the first place. I mean, everyone knows I'm a happily married man and I adore my wife. At least, that's what the media tells you. And I play along because it's easier even though on the inside it's fucking killing me.

            I'm a right cunt. And a few weeks before Christmas, I pushed Sara over the edge. She had every right to be pissed at me and kick me out. I thought it would blow over like our rows always did...until she served me with divorce papers.

            Nothing's been processed yet other than what to do with the boys. But that would've happened anyway since I'm not going to be home for a while. I just hope she's not serious about the divorce. I love her too much. I hope she can forgive me.

            So where does that leave our Jules? Well, let me take you back to the beginning. Hopefully that will help make sense of all this...whatever "this" is.

            Last March, Liam took a trip to New York to check on his clothing line. When he came back, he was all a twitter about some bird he'd met there. Some American named Jules.

            "Did you get her last name?" I asked.

            "N-, no." He stammered.

            I shook my head. "Match made in Heaven there." I said. Such a fucking idiot.

            He wouldn't shut up about her though which made me think it was more than just a one-off thing. But he hadn't gotten her last name, her phone number. If he liked her so much and hoped to see her again, how the fuck did he plan to reach her anymore?

            But planning things was never our Liam's strong suit. He'd spent the majority of his life doing whatever the fuck he wanted and having someone else sort things out for him. I suppose mam started it when he was a kid, always bailing him out and taking care of him. He'll always be a mummy's boy. And I can't help thinking Jules will become his surrogate mam since our real one still lives in Manchester.

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