Flashbax - 3

82 3 7

July 11th, 2016

He opened his eyes and the brightness had finally returned to them.

I smiled at him. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

He smiled back. "Much better." He replied. "You're a good nurse, you are."

I grinned again and hoped it hid the fact I was thinking about something. Something I knew he probably wouldn't be thrilled about if he found out the truth.

"Well I'm glad you're feeling better." I told him. "And just in time for me to go see my sister."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"I'm going to visit my sister tomorrow. I told you that a couple months ago when I booked the flight. I would've cancelled if you were still sick but your fever's gone and you seem a lot better than you have the past few days."

He winced in pain as he put his hands on his stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a gasp.

"It's me stomach." He said as he held it. "It hurts like a fuckin'...I dunno Blue. Maybe ya should ring your sister. What if I've got appendicitis or summat?"

He kept wincing in pain and breathing hard and I just watched. He didn't act like that the whole weekend and I found it a little odd it just came on all of a sudden.

He looked at me as he heaved in and out. His eyes had that famous dead flicker in between him scrunching them closed.

I stared at him pursing my lips a bit.

He sighed when he realized the jig was up.

"Ya said you'll be back Friday?" He asked.

"Yes." I said with a nod.

"First thing?"


It didn't take me long to pack a bag which left me plenty of time to contemplate another thing I remembered...which involved Liam.

But I'd deal with it when I got back. After I scoped things out with my sister first.

July 12th, 2016

She was there waiting for me when I got off the plane.

"I missed you so much!" I said as we hugged.

"I missed you too!" She replied. "Come on! Let's go get dinner."

It was going to be a pretty late dinner but we didn't care. We were too excited about the restaurant we were going to.

"I'm sorry but our kitchen closes at nine." The waitress informed us after we'd been sitting at a table waiting for someone to come take our order. "I can get you some pretzels or nachos if you'd like."

"No thanks." Kelsey said. She turned to me. "We're seriously not meant to eat tonight!"

"Now where?" I asked as we headed back out into the hot evening.

"We can go to the Cheesecake Factory in Cleveland. Let's go somewhere else."

So we chose Claddagh.

'Pretty fitting.' I thought as we sat looking at menus. 'Our Noel is Irish...and of course our Liam is too.'

I switched my thoughts to him. It was the middle of the night in London at that point. Was he sleeping okay without me there? I hoped he was but knowing him...I was beginning to feel a little guilty about leaving him.

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