Larks and Nightingales

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            "Blue!" Liam called from the bedroom. "BLUE!"

"What?!" I yelled back as I walked down the hall.

I went into the bedroom and found him in the bathroom.

"Your shit's all over this fuckin' bathroom. I can't use the bloody sink!"

"Sorry! I'll move it." I went and grabbed my blow dryer and hair straightener as well as my make-up bag.

"Ya fuckin' better!" He said. "I don't understand how one person can have all this fuckin'-"

"Look who's talking!" I interrupted him. "Your suitcase is twice as big as mine and you haven't even been here that long."

"Yeah but all my stuff's contained in me bag, yeah? I mean, what the fuck d'ya got them shirts hangin' up for anyway?" He nodded at the sun dress and shirt I had on hangers hanging on the knob of one of the cupboard doors.

"So they don't get wrinkled." I nodded.

"Right. Well ya need to get 'em packed up 'cuz we're leavin'."

"What do you mean? We're not going back to London for another couple days."

"I know." He said. "But that don't mean we're stayin' here 'til then. C'mon! Get your shit together!"

By the time we got our bags packed, a car came to pick us up.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we drove down the road.

"You'll see." Liam replied.

The car took us to the train station and the train took us...well Liam still wouldn't tell me.

"Do ya remember when I asked you to marry me?" He asked as we both gazed out the window at the passing Italian countryside.

"Yeah." I replied. "But that was in Milan and we left Milan."

"Change of scenery, yeah?"

The train took us to another train station which finally revealed where we were going.

"Verona." I said as I read the sign at the station.

"Yeah." Liam replied. "Home a the Montagues and Capulets."

He took us all over the city – to different churches and monuments and even what was supposedly Juliet's house. It reminded of our honeymoon since Verona was as archaic as Valencia and I loved it just as much.

We went to dinner somewhere. Liam ordered us red wine. There was a taxi waiting for us when we were done.

"Where are we going now?" I asked as we drove out of the city.

"You'll see." Liam replied.

It was still pretty light out so I could see we were in the country again. I liked how we hadn't spent too much time in cities and I think he did too.

The car turned down a driveway which led to a house. It had smooth tan brick and lots of outdoor lighting to brighten it up in the evening.

"Looks like a good place for a kip, eh?" Liam said as we looked out the window at it.

"You mean we're staying here?" I asked.

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