I Take What I Want and It's Easy to See I Got Everything

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            The outdoor patio was full but didn't feel too crowded. The sun shined warming me up which I appreciated as the air conditioning inside froze me out. I still had a light jacket on though and didn't plan to take it off but I was comfortable.

The boy requested to sit outside. I'm sure it was because he wanted to smoke but he never did. Instead, he just ate his meal and drank his drink while answering every question I asked him.

My list of questions was typed on a piece of paper. I jotted notes down, but my editor insisted I recorded the conversation so as not to risk misquoting the interviewee. I suppose that was smart even though I detested hearing the recorded sound of my own voice. But it was never about me was it?

We were about halfway through the interview when my phone rang. Had it not been who it was on the caller ID, I wouldn't have answered it. But it seemed odd for the person to be calling me so I figured I should.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver.

"Hello, Jules!" She greeted me politely. "How are you?"

"I'm pretty good but I ain't got time to mess around, Fi'. I'm in the middle of doin' an interview."

"With whom?"

I lowered my phone from my ear and held it between me and the boy. "What you say your name was again?" I asked him.

"Luke Spiller." He replied.

"Right. Ya hear that Fi'? His name's Luke Spiller. He's from the uh-"

"The Struts."

"Oh." Fiona returned. "I'm not sure I've heard of them."

"You ain't never heard of 'em?" I raised my eyebrows in disbelief. "How should I describe 'em? Or him really." I looked back over at Luke. "Freddie Mercury teeth. Gaz Coombes jaw and cheek bones. And Noel Fielding hair." I smirked feeling my cheeks heat up.

Luke grinned back making me blush even more.

"He's a preacher's son." I continued. "Just like a Followill only way more glamorous."

Luke snickered softly before taking a sip from his glass.

I smiled for a second before frowning back into seriousness as I lifted my phone to my ear. "So, what you want, Fi'?" I questioned her.

"Well, I-"

"Look, I gotta go. If ya wanna learn more about our Luke you can read about him in the NME next week. 'Kay thanks bye!" I hung up the phone before she had a chance to respond. "Sorry about that." I turned back to Luke as I set my phone back down on the table. "So, where were we?"

After finishing the interview, I had a few things to do at the office before I could finally go home.

"Hello." Gene greeted me as I walked through the front door.

"Hi." I replied.

"What's for tea?"

"What ya want?"

"Mexican sounds mega." He revealed. "Tacos sound brill."

"Agh!" I cooed clasping my hands against my chest. "A boy after my own heart!"

We worked together to prepare dinner.

"Where's Dad?" Gene wondered aloud while he chopped up tomatoes.

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