AKA...How Many Bills and Kids? - Part 2

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"Pretty Green is from a Jam song called "Pretty Green". I've heard it's about people used to call pound notes, years ago: Pretty Green. It's a cool name. I like it."

My trips to New York were the only chances I got to see Liam's clothing line in person. I figured it was time to change that.

Pretty Green was all over the UK now with official stores in London and Manchester. Since I was in London, I decided I'd stop in the one in Carnaby Street.

It was kind of crowded. Maybe people were there just to shop. Maybe people were there to see if they'd get a chance to meet the one and only Liam Gallagher.

I wasn't sure which maybe I belonged to.

The racks were filled with parkas, long sleeve button downs, short sleeve button downs, polo shirts, jackets, and the like. There were shoes and hats and scarves and socks. If a guy wanted to look like a mod, this was the place to shop.

'He needs a women's line.' I mused to myself as I picked through and glanced at various items on a long rack.

"Excuse me." A man said as he came up near me.

I looked at him.

"The manager would like to see you. He said to bring you to meet him in the back."

"How's even know I'm here?" I asked. As much as I wanted to go to the back again, I didn't know if I was up for playing this game.

He turned his head and looked up, nodding at the security camera hanging from the ceiling.

"Right." I said as I looked up at it. "If he wants to see me, he can come out here and do it."

"He's got tea waitin' for you."

"I don't care." I told him as I looked at him. "He oughta be out here anyway checking on his customers. That's what managers normally do, isn't it?"

He shrugged his eyebrows obviously not sure what to say.

I rolled my eyes a little at how ridiculous everything was becoming. Then I looked back up at the camera and flashed the V sign at it.

"Tell him to enjoy his tea." I said before walking away to another part of the store.

I mindlessly sifted through some parkas when I felt a presence behind me. I didn't turn around to see who it was...until they spoke.

"What's this I hear you don't wanna come join me for tea?" He asked.

I turned to face him.

"That's quite rude y'know." He continued. "And hurtful."

"Well I'm sorry," I told him, "but I didn't come for tea anyway."

"Ya didn't?"


"Then what did ya come for?" He asked.

"To have a look at the curtains." I replied with slight flirtation in my voice.

The corners of his mouth raised a little. "No curtains in here really."

"Yes there are." I said as I looked towards the entrance. "Up on the front windows."

He looked where I was. "Them ones just go down at night when the shop's closed."

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