But I Don't Believe in Magic

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            It was still dark when I woke up. Pitch black. I reckoned most of the city was still asleep then. Fuck knows she was.

            She were lying there with the blankets pulled up under her chin. She looked like angel. Actually, she didn't just look an angel. She was one.

            She was fast asleep. Out for the count under all them blankets. She had her pajama bottoms on as well. Them fleece ones with the snowflakes on 'em. So many fuckin' layers! She'd never do like I did and sleep naked no matter how much I begged. Fucking pleaded with her just to try it. Just once. Then she'd see how fucking mega it was, even in the winter time.

            It was getting cold now and would be winter in just a couple days. Then Christmas and New Year's and finally...it was only about a month away.

            I wondered if she was as excited as I was. I wondered so much it scared me to death. She was the one that held it off for so long. When I kept pushing, she pushed right back. And there was so much shit that happened...but things were good now. Fucking great actually. And we were finally going to get on with it.

            I turned my head over to have another look at her. She'd sleep for a while yet. It was still too early. I tried to get her to come with me but she wouldn't. There was one time I guess but all she did was come sit in my tree with me. And then my arse fell asleep and it was well chilly and...that was that.

            But maybe when it warmed up she'd give it another go. She said she wouldn't run unless someone was chasing her. I offered but she wouldn't even fucking humor me. The least she could've done was fucking...forget it.

            I rolled over on my side and grabbed a hold of her. I cuddled in and felt the warmth coming off her body. Her pajamas were so soft and they smelled really good. A mix of her perfume and shower gel and laundry detergent. Her hair was soft and I couldn't help burying my nose in it. She wore it down that day and run her straighteners through it. That softened it right up but during a kip it was even better.

            I wrapped my leg around hers. Tight but not too tight. Just enough to make sure she wouldn't go anywhere. That I could keep her safe during the night.

            But it wasn't night anymore and if I didn't get a move on, I'd be late. She made it hard to leave the bed though. She kept it warm. Kept me warm. I didn't want to let go.

            But I had to. I had to go for my run. I'd only be gone about an hour. Then straight back home to her.

            "See ya in a bit, Blue." I whispered softly before kissing her cheek. She didn't wake up at that and I was happy for it. I didn't want to disturb her.

            I rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed for a minute, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and waking myself up fully. I didn't need an alarm clock. My body just woke up naturally that early. Blue thought I was mad but it didn't bother me.

            I headed towards the bathroom and realized I needed to use the toilet so I did. Once I was finished, I gathered my clothes that had been sat there on the counter the previous evening so I didn't have to muck about with finding them in the morning.

            I gave Blue one last look, one last check before I headed off. I figured she'd probably still be in the same place when I got back. Ready and waiting for good morning cuddles and a wash together afterwards...but not near as ready as me.

            The park was dead silent when I got there. I liked it that way. It meant no people to wade through. No photographers to avoid. They always liked taking pictures when I was out running. Then they'd bang on about the color of my trainers or some other stupid shit. Why the fuck didn't they take the piss out of our Noel for things like that?

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