Reflective Statement - 3

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            You might be wondering where Jules is hiding (in Version 1 at least) and to be honest, I'm wondering the same thing. I have an idea of course but I'm finding it quite hard to get it down on Word. I'd like to say Jules might stay in hiding for a while but I know that can change.

For now, I'm not planning to update Version 1 only because I haven't been able to sit down and focus enough to work on it. I'd rather just plan it inside my head until I have the plot worked out for sure. The plot has become pretty complicated and there are so many songs I want to use for it, I really don't know where to begin.

I have at least two ideas coming in the Random Passages. One is based around recent real life events. The other is based around the recent events of the story. I already have a draft set up for the "real life" one and hope to have them updated sometime soon.

Liam's Journal might get updated soon as well but I can't guarantee it. I haven't felt much motivation to update it like I hoped I would but hopefully I'll get to it soon.

Version 2 finally got updated again but it may be a while before it gets another chapter. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with it right now but I can assure you it's not over.

I'm having a lot of fun with Addie's story and I have another idea in the works for its next update. I have a feeling I might switch my focus to her for a while but I won't say this is definite. If I get an idea for Jules, I'll definitely use it.

I hope you've enjoyed all my stories so far. I promise none of them are over and I appreciate all of your support along the way.

Thanks again for reading!

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