Sing Me to Sleep. Oh, Sing Me a Love Song. Sing Me a Lullaby of Days Gone By.

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            "I don't fuckin' like this show!" Liam remarked as it began. "There's no such place as Hawley!"

"Yeah, I know." I agreed. "It's fictional, Liam."

"How the fuck's it fictional if it's meant to be based on his life, eh? And how's his fuckin' hair not turned orange if he bleached it? When I let me mate's sister put a blonde streak in mine it turned orange and Mam had to dye it back. This prick's hair's darker than mine so how the fuck-"

"Good makeup artist, I guess."

He snarled as he leaned back in the couch.

Joe Gilgun didn't impress our Liam but probably only because he knew how much he impressed me. And because I'd be on my way to Manchester to interview him in just a few days' time.

Liam didn't like the semi-autobiographical nature of Brassic and trying to figure out where it was being filmed at did his fuckin' 'ead in. Just like when we watched every installment of This Is England.

"It's gotta be in...that's definitely fuckin'...I've fuckin' been there so I fuckin' know that's..."

"Why don't you consult Ian Brown?" I suggested when he was about to explode. "He camoed in it-"

"Nah. I'm not arsed for that." He replied with a shrug calming down and focusing on the show.

If the filming location didn't get his goat enough, the time period did the rest.

"It weren't fuckin' like that back then!" He exclaimed pointing at the TV. "I were there then. I fuckin' lived through all this fuckin'- ring that fuckin' Shane Meadows up and fuckin' tell him I-"

"Ring him yourself!" I shot back.

I wasn't about to play his secretary (at least not in that capacity) or let him ruin my enjoyment of something I'd have to jump through hoops to access in the States.

He calmed down again and we snuggled in together watching however many episodes were left.

Apparently, people loved Brassic so much it was renewed for another season before the first one even premiered. And naturally, it was reviewed for a third just as quick.

"Whoopee!" Liam flatlined.

But I couldn't contain my excitement even though there was no news on when it would actually be filmed or broadcasted.

We got through a couple more episodes before it was time for bed.

Liam started tearing off his clothes on the way down the hall and was nearly naked before we'd even reached the bedroom.

We cuddled in under the covers with Liam wrapping his arms around me as tight as he could along with the blankets.

"I proper love this blanket." He flapped the closest one around us.

"I figured you would." I smiled at him.

It was one of those weighted ones which I knew would be perfect for him. It kept him safe and secure especially when I couldn't be there.

"I love you, Blue." He whispered nuzzling into the side of my neck.

"I love you too, Liam." I replied even though I knew he was out before I finished my response.

I readjusted my head on the pillows to get comfortable. I closed my eyes and slowly began to drift off...until I gasped at quiet commotion from down the hall.

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