Bond Films and Bagatelles

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I sat at the table one morning having a bowl of cereal. With a spoon in my right hand and my phone in my left, I was too preoccupied to notice Noel come into the kitchen until he dropped a newspaper on top of my hand that held the phone.

            "What's this?" I asked as I set my phone and spoon down and picked up the paper to look at it.

            "Read through." He replied as he sat down across from me. "You'll see."

            I flipped through the pages as I quickly scanned over each of them. I stopped when I found what he probably wanted me to.

            "Aw you got your name in the paper!" I exclaimed as I looked at him. "If my grandma saw this and knew who you were, she'd definitely be cutting it out to save it."

            He shrugged his eyebrows and nodded. "I take it you haven't told your gran about us." He said.

            "Not yet." I replied.

            And I had no idea when I would.

            I put all my attention and read the article. Some woman named Julie Burchill interviewed Noel a couple weeks prior. Why he was just now showing me the article I have no idea. But I was still curious to read it anyway.

            It was a good article...until I got to a certain point and the author began talking about someone other than Noel.

            "Liam, who once appeared to be living the dream, is now reduced to flogging mugs and bags, among other bagatelles, at his Pretty Green shops. Talking about him to his supremely accomplished and satisfied brother – whose dream it was, and who is still living it – would have seemed like mocking the afflicted."

            'Who the fuck is this bitch?' I thought as I read those hurtful words the author chose to use. 'And what the fuck is a bagatelle?'

            I put the newspaper down and brought my phone back out. I googled the word and got the answer to my question.

            Bagatelle (n.) – a thing of little importance; a very easy task.

            Liam's work at Pretty Green was far from that. They were nice clothes. A lot of people liked them.

            I'm not sure where this woman got off in saying that stuff but Liam was successful in his own way. It was a pity he wasn't making music anymore but it didn't mean he just threw in the towel.

            I decided to google about this article. Various things came up including screen shots of one of Liam's most recent tweets.

            "Mocking the afflicted well you'd know all about that wouldn't ya have another line you old tart LG X"

            'You go, Liam!' I thought as I read it. Sure, he could be a prick at times but there was still no reason to be rude to him.

            It was like the case of the Enemy's Tom Clarke. Some news agency called him a hobbit and proceeded to make sick jokes in their article about it. He ended up quitting Twitter for it and I didn't blame him.

            I figured Liam wouldn't quit Twitter over something like this though. And even though he'd never let on when something hurt his feelings, I still felt bad for him.

            And I knew I had to make sure he was okay.

            "I'm going out for a bit." I told Noel as I got up from the table.

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