These Drugs are just an Hour Away

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There was always something sexy about a man with a guitar. Add in a sexy riff and you've got a recipe to melt a girl's panties right off.

            Noel and the band were busy in the studio and I decided to pay them a visit.

Once they took a break, Noel and I disappeared into one of the praccy rooms. He brought his electric guitar with us and jammed out one of those famously sexy riffs with good lyrics to go along with it.

They say that you need love

Just like a kid on crack?

I got a feeling that what you are

Is kind of holding you back

            My panties didn't quite melt at that. Instead it got me thinking about something else.

            "So how's that Oasis documentary coming along?" I asked him when he quit the song.

            "Good." Noel replied. "Except they want some good backstage footage and we're kinda limited on it."

            "Really? I find that hard to believe."

            "Well it's not 'cuz there's a lack of footage." He clarified. "There's a lack of appropriate footage. Y'know, stuff that's okay to broadcast on the telly."

            "Oh." I said.

            "Yeah. All that monstrous drug taking. Not good for the folks at 'ome."

            I nodded in reply.

            He went to start playing his guitar again but I interrupted him.

            "What's the craziest Oasis drug story you can remember?" I asked.

            He looked at me. "Too fuckin' many." Came the reply before he turned back to his guitar.

            "Pick one."

            He looked back up at me and sighed a little.

            "It was our first American tour." He began. "Liam and the other fuckin' idiots, had just got a hold of that cheap shit, crystal meth..."


September 28th, 1994

            Oasis had a day off before performing at the famous Whiskey A Go Go. Liam and Noel did an interview with some radio station while the others did their own thing.

            Eventually evening came and the lads were ready to fucking have it. They wasted no time in finding a bar.

            Once there, they grabbed drinks and noticed a group of people at a table examining and talking about something as they passed it around.

            "What've that lot got?" Liam asked the others as he watched the group at the table.

            "Dunno." Tony replied as the others shook their heads.

            "Well I'm gonna fuckin' find out. Hey up!" He called as he walked towards the table. "What's that you've got in your 'ands?"

            "Crystal, man." Some guy said as he held up the little square to show Liam. "Want some?"

            "Hang on!" Tony said as he grabbed Liam's hand to stop him from reaching for it. "Are ya sure about this? That shit's probably not the best idea especially since we've got a gig tomorrow."

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