How You Receive It, Well That's Up to You

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Author's Note:

This short story is based around recent real life news/events involving the Gallagher brothers as well as a couple other people featured in Jules' story that happened during the last week or so of July 2017. The events that occur in Jules' story from Chapters 145 to about 155 will also be referenced so please look back on those chapters if you need a refresher. Thanks for reading!

They loaded him in the ambulance kicking and screaming.

"Blue?! BLUE!"

I tried to get in with him but the paramedics wouldn't let me. They just shoved me out of the way and shut the doors.

I looked to my right and there he was staring at me as firm as he could.

Excuse me if I spoke too soon

My eyes have always followed you around the room

"He's gonna die." He informed me. "They're takin' him away to die."

I turned back to the ambulance and saw the medical logo had been replaced with a big skull and cross bones. "No!" I screamed running towards it and grabbing the door handles. "LIAM!" I pounded on the doors.

But he was locked in and I couldn't break him free.

No matter how hard I tried. No matter how much I wanted to.

My eyes shot open and the first thing I saw was the familiar empty darkness.

"Liam?!" I gasped.

He grunted and shifted in his sleep next to me.

I rolled over and latched onto him.

He gasped before starting to giggle. "If you wanna wake me up like this every night, ya have my complete permission." He informed me hugging me tight. "I like a good midnight cuddle, me."

I pressed my forehead against his chest enjoying his soft, warm skin.

"Ya okay, Blue? Ya have a bad dream or summat?"

I nodded. "Just about one of them scary books."

He tutted. "Ya oughta lay off them books!" He suggested. "You dwell on 'em too much and they scare you. I don't like it! But them ones about the horses though, those ones are okay. Even with their sad parts."

He was probably thinking of Black Gold but maybe he wasn't. Still, it was the first one to pop into my head that had a sad part.

"Yeah." I agreed softly. Then I thought of something. "You leave tomorrow."

"I do, yeah." He nodded. "Someone's gotta show them Americans what good music is."

I giggled. "You're not going to Cleveland though."

"No. Why would I? You're not in Cleveland."

"I've never been in Cleveland." I pointed out.

"Yes ya have!" He argued.

He clearly didn't understand that I meant I never lived in Cleveland. But I really didn't feel like clarifying.

"I'm surprised you're not pushing me to come with you." I mused.

"Well if you want me to push ya, we both know I can!" He nodded. "I can be well pushy, me." He rolled over and pressed his weight against me.

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