Well Come on Now Don't Be Shy

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            I smiled as I heard her laugh coming from the living room.

            "Miss me?" I called.

            "Alright, sounds like he's back." A voice said. I knew who it belonged to and it wasn't her.

            I started to get a bit worried as I walked down the hall to the living room. Did something happen to her?

            "Hi Liam!" She said as she waved at me. Her smile was so fucking bright.

            I breathed a slight sigh of relief. "Alright." I grinned back. "What're you lot up to?"

            "Gem stopped by to ask if we wanted to come out with him tonight." She replied as she pointed to Gem who was sat beside her on the couch. "I told him we would but he wanted to give you a formal invitation."

            "Right. Is that mine?" I nodded at the guitar sitting in Gem's lap.

            "Yeah." She said. "He's just been playing it to pass the time while we waited for you to get back. Hope you don't mind."

            "Not at all." I assured her.

            Gem left a little while later leaving me and her alone. Finally.

            "What're ya doin' diggin' through my clothes?" I asked when I found her sifting through the clothes in my cupboard.

            "I don't have much green so I figured I'd borrow something of yours." She replied as she took one my coats off its hanger.

            "Were ya gonna borrow without askin' or summat? Not very polite."

            She rolled her eyes. "Can I borrow this?" She asked holding up the jacket. It was my lime green Weekend Offender one.

            "What d'you say?" I asked sarcastically.


            It's not like I could've told her no. She always looked fuckin' top in my clothes. That's how this whole thing started in the first place. I think she preferred my clothes if I'm honest. She brought her own but yet she still wanted to borrow mine. I'm not going to lie. I liked it. She got to the point where she didn't even want to wear her own pajamas to bed anymore and wore my boxers instead. I definitely wasn't going to argue with that one. I played right along making sure she always had a pair every night just in case she wanted them.

            She'd been staying at mine for a few days now. Our Noel had fucked off on tour and left her behind. He invited her along but she didn't want to go. Instead, she stayed with me. She looked really scared the night I found her stood on my doorstep. I couldn't turn her away. I tried to be polite, offering to sleep on the couch so she could have my bed. If it was the closest I'd get to sharing a bed with her again, I'd fucking take it.

            But she insisted on sleeping on the couch instead. I tried to get her to change her mind but she wouldn't. Before too long though she ended up in my room. In my bed with me. And I couldn't fucking believe it. She was Noel's bird but that didn't make a difference. To her or to me.

            She was a bit scared of the thunder. Then again, maybe she wasn't. She just seemed on edge that night and the thunder just set her off.

            I made sure to do me best to look after her that night. To keep her safe wrapped tightly in my arms. She needed me but not nearly as much as I needed her.

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