But I Don't Believe in Magic - 6

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            The flat was as quiet as the afternoon that day. Liam sat in the living room watching some football match review program. He gave his own commentaries of course and every time the show's hosts' opinions didn't match his own, he made sure to let them know.

            I giggled in the next room listening to him mutter and cuss. And go on about how great City was while everyone else was shite.

            I was about to go in and join him on the couch...until I heard a tap on the window.

            "Hi, Hootie!" I greeted him opening the window to let him inside.

            He hopped right in flapping his wings a bit. He didn't say anything as the envelope in his beak prevented him from doing so.

            I extended my arm towards his mouth and he let go of the envelope as soon as I grabbed a hold of it. I tore open the seal then pulled out the piece of parchment inside and read was written on it.


                        Come to mine for a cuppa this afternoon. I've summat to ask of yer. No need to send a response owl...or bring Our Kid with you. I'll be awaiting your arrival.


            I analyzed the letter for a couple minutes wondering what on earth he could possibly have to ask me. It seemed urgent and like I'd be expected to acquiesce with or without any sort of objection beforehand.

            "Liam?" I called from the doorway as I entered living room.

            "Football." He replied pointing at the TV and not taking his eyes off it.

            "Yeah, I can see that. Would you mind if I run over to Marylebone real quick?"

            "What for?"

            "Not sure." I told him. "I don't think I'm meant to find out 'til I get there."

            "Nowt for ya there." He shook his head. "So no reason for ya to bother."

            "The owl's been there. Our Hootie, he's brought back some post."

            "What sorta post?" He inquired finally turning around and looking at me curiously.

            I held out the letter so he could take it from me.

            He snatched it out of my hand and hurried to read it over. "Y'can have tea here. No fuckin' need to go there!" He tossed the letter aside making it land on the other end of the couch. "So sit down and watch the footie with me." He leaned back and got comfortable again.

            "What about the quidditch?" I asked.

            He tutted. "Fuckin' muggle telly don't fuckin' get that!"

            "Not even when you hot wire it?"

            He'd done it enough times. And when it got too complicated for him to figure out the boys were always there to help him.

            He sighed. "Just sit down with me, yeah? Send our Hooter back and tell him you're too fuckin' busy."

            I complied and took a seat on the couch cushion beside him. "Maybe something's up with Donovan. New school year's startin' he might-"

            "That's his problem, not ours. And what's he got to do for the new term, eh? Apart from buyin' his kid all his new gear? He can send one of his assistants to do it if he can't fuckin' be bothered but I'll be fucked if he tries to send you!"

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