"Fast women and slow horses will ruin your life."

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            Gene and I had YouTube broadcasted on the TV screen giving us a grand view of the video. We were trying our darndest to learn the moves to "The Git Up" while Liam sat on the couch watching us.

            "Keep spinnin'!" Gene ordered pushing on my shoulders to keep me going when we got to that certain part of the song.

            "Alright!" I exclaimed turning another circle just like him.

            Liam sat there snickering at us. He didn't say too much which was surprising. I figured he'd give his two cents about some part of our dancing but he never did.

            Gene and I kept dancing until the doorbell ringing prompted us to stop.

            "Who's that?" He wondered aloud.

            I shrugged. "Who knows!"

            "I'll get it." Liam offered hopping off the couch and heading for the front door. "The fuck're you doin' here?!"

            "Your missus invited me over." Came the calm reply.

            My heart pounded as I listened to them continue to bicker.

            "Blue?" Liam finally called. "Blue? The fuck's goin' on? Blue-"

            "Comin'!" I sighed trotting off towards the door with Gene right behind me.

            I got to the doorway and my eyes met with Noel's.

            He flashed me a cheeky smirk. "Ya better explain to your husband what the fuck's goin' on." He pointed at Liam. "'Cuz clearly he don't...d'ya want me to explain it for yer? I've the text evidence right here." He held up his phone showing his and my conversation on its screen. He turned it back around. "'Can you come over?'" He read my most recent message out loud. "Here I am!"

            "Fuck off back home then!" Liam shooed him and his phone away. "We don't fuckin' want ya here!"

            "Yes, we do!" I countered.

            Liam looked at me confused. "You what?"

            I turned to Noel. "C'mon!" I waved him to come inside.

            He stepped through the door then followed me, Gene, and Liam into the living room. "So what ya want anyway?" He inquired once we were all sat down on the couches and chairs.

            "The NME's sponsoring a gig in Birmingham." I informed him. "Peaky Blinders inspired and Liam's refused to participate so I guess it's left up to you. Just like that time you joined Kasabian on stage."

            He smirked a bit.

            "There'll be other bands of course. Tons of people have been recruited. Would love to see yins together," I looked from him to Liam, "but I know that'll never happen. Just like I'd love to see yins release an album on the same day. It'd be like Harry Potter versus Twilight!"

            Liam frowned. "Jules-"

            "So are you in or not?" I cut him off focusing on Noel. "You won't be the only headliner though."

            He shrugged. "Yeahr, I might do."

            "No, you won't! There's no 'might'. Either you're in or you're not so what's it to be?"

            "I don't appreciate you makin' me out to be a pussy!" Liam snapped as we crawled into bed that night.

            "I didn't-"

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