Reflective Statement - NaNoWriMo

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I thought I'd have a new short story in Madferit tonight but it's been a long day and I didn't get it done. It's partially written though and I hope to have it up some time this week.

            Today is the first day of National Novel Writing Month! I wrote a story in here in honor of it. I may go back and re-do it though. I missed a lot of potential material and it's awfully short. But I got the basic plot of it like I hoped I would. Hopefully you enjoy it.

            I don't know if I'll fully participate in NaNoWriMo just because I doubt I'll have enough time. The goal for it is to write every day but with how busy my life is, I don't know if that will happen. I'll continue with my updates like I have been though with the hope of getting most of them written and posted on the weekends at the latest.

            Are you participating in this fun event? I only ever heard of it last year which of course was when I first started writing on here. Can you believe Jules' story turns a year old in a couple weeks?

            Book One of her story has reached 10K reads. Thank you all so much! Your support on her story and all my others really means a lot and I'm glad you like them. I've imagined the end of Jules' story...but I don't know when it would happen. To be honest, I don't know how to tie it up to end it properly and I have ideas to keep going for at least a few more chapters. A dry spell may come about but to fully stop Jules, I just don't think I can do it. I'd miss her too much.

            I'm still working on developing Addie's character. I'm just not sure what I want to do with her as well as her Liam and Noel and I have no idea what will happen in her story but my plan is to take it to at least 2009.

            My goals for the month:

            Continue Jules' and Addie's stories. Hopefully once a week.

            Chapter Revisits. I've got one in mind although I haven't started it yet. Requests are still open and I'd be happy to do them for Addie too. I have no plans to do them for Addie though but that can always change.

            Short stories in Madferit. I have four drafts set up. One is for the sequel to "You Missed the Moon on Monday Morning". I still don't know where to go with that one though. One is for the story I didn't get done tonight. The other two are kind of similar in content although I don't know how to end each of them. I'll give a peek into their plots by way of a question: Do you prefer 1994 Noel or 2010 Noel? It's a tough question. I've tried to use it to decide which one would be more interesting to write but both could be fun if I figured out where to go with them.

            Short stories in the Random Passages. I don't have any new ideas to put in there yet. I suppose there's still the possibility of the tie-in for chapters 173 and 174. And adding to "Writing to Reach You". I've never gone back and re-done chapters other than editing but I might make an exception for that one.

            The Jet Stories. Again, I have no new ideas for this one. I've thought about one for Mark Wilson but I don't know if I'll write it any time soon. I have to give a shout out to Katy15307 for inspiring me to write them because her Time Flies stories are awesome and gave me the idea to do something similar but with Jet instead. I also kind of nicked her idea for the chapter at the beginning of that and Short Story Thingies that gives her readers a short summary of what her stories are about. I love that idea and have it set up in Word for the Random Passages although not all stories have a summary and I haven't done it for Jet or Madferit. I hope she doesn't mind.

            Jules' soundtrack. I haven't updated the Spotify playlist in quite some time and doubt I'll get back to it. But I have considered making a list of all the songs featured in her stories and may go ahead and put the list in here.

            I think that's everything I wanted to say. Oh wait. The Indians are back in town playing the next game for the World Series at home. I almost included a picture here that I saw on Facebook today. Apparently, everyone who works in Cleveland got out of work early this afternoon and the picture showed a sea of people filling a street in downtown. The street is the one where the House of Blues is located which is the only reason I wanted to share it. But still, I do hope they win.

            I also hope you have a great month filled with wonderful reading and writing. I think it's going to be a lot of fun and I'm excited it's finally here!

            Thanks again for reading!

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