OTP Questions

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Author's Note:

            I saw this idea and really liked it so I decided to answer these questions. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading!

Who is the most affectionate?

            They both are pretty affectionate with each other.

Most common argument?

            How great Jet is (or isn't – depending on the side of the argument).

Who apologizes first?

            Probably Jules. Liam is usually too stubborn to realize his own faults right away.

Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?

            Strolling around London or other places hand-in-hand.

Who drives and who rides shotgun?

            Jules drives and Liam rides shotgun. This usually only happens when they're in Jules' hometown as she doesn't like driving in big cities.

Who is most likely to carry the other?

            Liam would probably carry Jules. On a different token, Jules most often coddles Liam in places like bed which I think is similar to carrying him (especially when he's being needy).


            Liam calls Jules "Blue" after the song, "For You Blue" which George Harrison wrote for Pattie Boyd. Jules doesn't have a nickname for Liam but she does call him William on rare occasions.

Who proposes?

            Liam proposed to Jules.

Who sings along with the radio?

            They both do.

Who worries most?

            They both do but Liam is more outward with his worrying while Jules keeps hers to herself.

Who always wants to take selfies with the other?

            Liam always wants to take selfies with Jules, especially with her phone.

Who likes to playfully tease the other?

            Jules likes to playfully tease Liam.

Who has the weirdest taste in their music?

            They both have similar tastes in music but I'll say Jules has the weirdest because she likes country – which is something Liam isn't used to.

Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?

            Liam always remembers what Jules likes to eat. Jules always remembers how Liam takes his tea.

Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?

            Jules is embarrassed to take her clothes off in front of Liam. Liam can't wait to take his clothes off in front of Jules.

Who constantly tries to get the other to shower with them?

            Liam is always trying to get Jules to take a shower with him.

Who initiates kisses?

            They both do.

Who reaches for the other's hand first?

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