Just Because Your Eyes Are Open Doesn't Mean You Can See

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"Ya sure you don't wanna come with us?" Noel asked as he finished packing his suitcase. "The boys'd love it if ya did. Mam would too."

            "I know and I'd really like too but I should stay here." I replied. "Plus then the boys'll have you all to themselves which is good before you go on tour."

            He sighed. "I s'pose you're right."

            Noel was taking his sons, Donovan and Sonny, to visit his family in Ireland. His mother Peggy was going with them.

            Ireland was definitely on my list of places to go but I wasn't pressed to get there at that time. I knew I'd get there...someday.

            "You'll still make an appearance at Kasabian's party while I'm gone though, right?" He asked. "Russ said he'd go with you."

            "Of course." I assured him. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

            That night, Russell Pritchard and I headed out to some club I'd never been to. It was a pity the party couldn't be held in Leicester for effect. Another place to put on that list I guess.

            Music boomed throughout the club. It was Kasabian's party so naturally Kasabian's music was played. Not that I minded or anything.

            Serge stuck out like a sore thumb being so tall compared to everyone else. Once we spotted him, we headed over to say hey. The lads all got on the subject of football. Kasabian was of course full of Leicester fans. Russell supported Liverpool. And I supported Man City because...take a guess.

            I didn't say much about football and just listened to the others yammer on. The dialects were much more intriguing than football talk anyway.

            Eventually, the lads from Kasabian had to leave to make their rounds around the party. Russell and I went to the bar, got drinks, and people watched. The club was packed. It was going to be a good night.

            "It was Noel's idea for me to look after ya tonight." Russell said.

            "I figured." I replied. "Thanks for being able to."

            He smiled as he raised his glass to his mouth and took sip of his drink. His smile faded quickly as he looked behind me.

            I turned around to see what it was.

            "Alright." He said.

            "Alright." I replied.

            He glanced at Russell and then back at me. "Where's your date?" He asked.

            "I don't have one." I told him.

            "Then what the fuck's he doin' here?" He pointed at Russell.

            "Noely G. hired him to look after me."

            "Right. So what you lot up to?"

            "Oh just talking about football like every other frickin' person here." I informed him. "Russ says he can't wait to watch Liverpool kick City's ass this weekend but I told him he's full of shit." I turned back and smiled and winked at Russell.

            Russell chuckled and rolled his eyes.

            "She's right about ya bein' full a shit, man." He glared at Russ. "City's gonna leather you red cunts. You fuckin' will walk alone, ya dickhead!" He pointed at and walked closer to Russell.

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