On the Bedroom Wall the Stars Look Bright

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            "Are they gonna be in a movie?" Kelsey asked as she finished getting ready for bed.

"What movie?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know. I heard those guys talking and one asked the other if he was excited for the movie."

And then it finally clicked.

"Oh! You mean the documentary."

There was still a couple months left to wait for it that night at Noel's gig. I kind of forgot about it but I don't think he or Liam could. They were both excited for it. I hadn't seen it yet but I was sure it'd be worth the wait.

Time flies when you're having fun. While some people headed back to school at the end of August, I was in London working full-time (between Pretty Green and off and on baby-sitting for Noel and Sara, it felt like full-time) and still getting used to the idea of being a rock star's fiancée.

August ended and September began. Liam's birthday was coming up soon...and so was that documentary.

He began to stretch and sigh as he woke up for his morning run. His breath felt warm on my neck as he yawned onto it. He stretched again and adjusted his head on the pillows before laying still for a few seconds.

He kissed my cheek then my earlobe before rolling over on his back with a groan. The bed creaked a little as he stretched his arm up, bumping me in the process.

Our Liam was always a little doppy in the morning when he first woke up. I lay there mulling over that fact while I listened to him scratch his armpit.

He rolled over away from me a little more, to the edge of his side of the bed.

"Where's me..." He said quietly to himself. He sighed again and finally got out of bed.

He went into the bathroom. I didn't figure he'd be in there too long. He never showered before he went for a run ("No point if I'm just gonna get all sweaty.").

He used the toilet, ran the sink faucet for a couple minutes, then came out dressed and ready to go to the park.

He had no idea I was awake. He left quietly leaving me behind in bed.

I stayed there for a while and then got up to do my next thing. With fall coming, I figured I should do something festive. Apple cider was good. Apple cider doughnuts were even better.

I went to the kitchen and set to baking. I bought all the stuff the day before but didn't tell Liam. I thought it would make for a nice surprise.

The doughnuts were about halfway done when the doorbell rang.

"Hello Jules!" He said with a smile as he stood at the door.

"Hello Matt." I replied.

"Liam 'round?"

"No. He's out. Should be back soon."

But apparently he wasn't there to see him.

"Mind if I ask you some questions?"

I didn't really understand why he'd want to ask me anything. I definitely had a lot of opinions, don't get me wrong but I don't know. It just seemed weird.

We sat down in the living room. He didn't have a pen and paper or anything but I knew deep down it was going to feel like an interview.

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