Chapter 97: Peeping

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In fact, Ichika Nakano didn't find the wrong place: Origami was indeed inside Raizen High School.

However, she was not a student here, so she did not enter through the front gate. Well, infiltrating an ordinary high school was a piece of cake for her.

And the reason why she did this was naturally because of Shido.

Regarding the photos of Shido, Origami had already collected them. After that, she climbed onto one of the big trees, and hid in it.

It turned out that she was planning to use the binoculars to look at Shido while eating the bento that she bought at the convenience store just now.

Simply put, it's voyeurism!

"Huh? Who is the girl next to Shido?"

Origami suddenly frowned slightly, and saw Shido eating ramen in the dining room, and beside him sat a girl with long black hair and black silk on her long legs.

Looking at this girl, Origami suddenly felt a little unhappy. She didn't know whether it was because of the other party's beautiful figure, or because she had a feeling of seeing Tohka from a distance.

Although she had put down her prejudice against Spirits, she still sometimes felit inexplicably uncomfortable with Tohka, and she didn't know why.

Could it be because the other party was the first Spirit that Shido sealed?

But she was the one who came first, whether it was meeting Shido or becoming his classmate...

But she was the one who came first, whether it was meeting Shido or becoming his classmate

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While Origami was watching from a distance, Shido seemed a little helpless himself. Today, he didn't bring a lunch box, so he chose to come to the dining hall, but he didn't expect to be disturbed again.

He began to wonder: Where in the school could he have a quiet place for lunch alone?

And this time, it was his senpai, Mai Sakurajima, who disturbed him.

In fact, it was not a disturbance. The other party just came to eat and saw him, so she sat next to him.

Shido still didn't know that the identity of the white-haired boy had been exposed, and it became a more exaggerated misunderstanding, but because of this, Mai Sakurajima didn't bother him anymore, and just sat quietly by the side, chatting with him from time to time.

"Itsuka, didn't your girlfriends make you a bento?"

Mai Sakurajima asked curiously.

As far as she learned, he had Mukuro, Natsumi, Yuzuru, Kaguya, and Tohka as his girlfriends, but none of them had prepared a love bento for Shido?

"Not this time."

Shido gently shook his head.

In fact, he didn't quite understand the train of thoughts of Mai Sakurajima and Yukino Yukinoshita. Generally speaking, knowing that he had so many girlfriends, they should be keeping their distance from him and calling him a scumbag.

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