Chapter 149: Yoshino Himekawa's Turn

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Shido pondered for a while. He would be on holiday tomorrow, so he had already decided to go to the Kanda Shrine in Tokyo tomorrow to look for the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

In addition, he wanted to go on a date with Yoshino to a distant place. After all, always dating in Chiba City was a bit boring.

As for the diary that Kurumi was very nervous about just now, Shido didn't open it either. After all, everyone had their own secrets, including him.

So, he just put the diary aside and waited quietly for Yoshino's arrival.

Among all the Spirits, Yoshito was the most well-behaved one. She had never had any bad intentions, couldn't even do pranks, and never intended to cause a scene.

Of course, it was only limited to Yoshino. Yoshinon was way different; this little rabbit would suddenly talk about nonsense, giving Shido a headache.

Especially when it talked about the lewd stuff, and Yoshino would ask what it meant with an innocent face, and Shido was really embarrassed to see it!

But this was also an integral part of Yoshino, so every time he went on a date with her, he must let the rabbit tag along...

After a while, a cute little girl came to him. She showed an innocent smile and looked at Shido with a bit of excitement.

The girl had a lovable face, beautiful blue wavy long hair, bright big blue eyes, and a rather petite figure, which made her very cute.

If such a little girl walked alone on the street, she would surely attract the attention and onlookers of countless strange uncles, and she might even be abducted by perverts.

If such a little girl walked alone on the street, she would surely attract the attention and onlookers of countless strange uncles, and she might even be abducted by perverts

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Of course, such a thing would not happen, because the little girl was not an ordinary person, but a Spirit with special abilities. Her Astral Dress was a large green hooded cloak with rabbit ears, small green rain boots, and behind her attached a white ball like a tail.

The cute Astral Dress along with an already very cute face and figure, also known as the "Hermit", Yoshino Himekawa.

"Ara~Ara~ What's the matter, Shido-kun, are you fascinated by Yoshino's charm?"

A voice came from Yoshino, but it wasn't Yoshino who spoke, but the little rabbit doll Yoshinon in her hand.

Dolls naturally couldn't speak. This was actually what Yoshino said in ventriloquism, but Yoshinon actually has her own personality, which could be regarded as another personality of Yoshino and expressed in the form of a rabbit doll. Everything she said had nothing to do with the little innocent girl.

This feat could only be achieved with the reiryoku that Yoshino possessed as a Spirit.

"Don't...don't say that!"

Yoshino blushed slightly and lowered her head. She was glad that Shido liked her, but she was also very shy.

"Of course I'm fascinated, Yoshino is so cute..."

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