Chapter 123: The Gal Game Store

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After buying the light novel, the two went to a nearby store that sold games. After all, one of the reasons why they came to Akihabara was to buy games.

"The Red Sky" may not seem like it, but it was actually a game for Siscons.

And this time, what Nia took a fancy to was the heroine of this game, the role of a cute little sister.

After the two came to the game store, they exclaimed. Although they were both very interested in anime and novels, they actually knew nothing about games.

So when the two came to the game store and wanted to buy a game, they were turned away. The reason was very simple: The 18+ games had some detailed scenes that were not suited for underage students, therefore, they could not buy it if they were not over 18 years old.

As a regular business store, it was natural for them to follow the rules. They might turn a blind eye to others, but Shido was still wearing the school uniform, and Nia looked like an underage girl at first glance.

Naturally, the storekeeper couldn't let them buy the game. Shido sighed and took Nia out of the game store.

"What now?"

Nia asked anxiously, after all, she really wanted to buy this game!

Nia asked anxiously, after all, she really wanted to buy this game!

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"Of course there is a way, wait for me..."

Saying that, Shido chuckled lightly, then left the place and walked into a nearby public restroom.

After a while, a silver-haired young man came out, and he resembled Nia for at least 80%, less tender and more masculine.

Moreover, he looked like he was in his early twenties, meaning he was old enough to buy the Gal Game.

This was naturally Shido himself. If he wanted to buy games, he must be an adult. In order to make that happen, he disguised himself with the power of "Haniel".

Shido nodded in satisfaction, then walked toward Nia's direction, and shouted:



Nia stared blankly at Shido. She felt like she just found her long-lost brother across the world.

"That's right! You can also call me Big Brother!"

Shido raised his head and smiled confidently. After all, it was a bit too strange for an ordinary couple to buy a Gal Game. To make it reasonable, it would be fitting to go in the store as a pair of siblings.

But he seemed to have forgotten that the game they were going to buy was for Siscons...

"Okay, Oni-chan!"

Nia smiled sweetly, and then hugged him, holding Shido's arm, seemingly very excited.

Nia smiled sweetly, and then hugged him, holding Shido's arm, seemingly very excited

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Shido opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. The cute noise of Nia just made his heart feel very itchy.

More importantly, he enjoyed the feeling.

"It turns out that Boy is a Siscon..."

Nia nodded lightly, then took out a notebook and wrote it down.

This time, Shido didn't stop her, because Nia was right. He was indeed a Siscon!

The two returned to the game store and took the game they wanted to buy just now. The store clerk glanced at the two of them curiously. Since Shido looked like an adult, he didn't ask anything.

It was just a little strange. After all, it was another boy who came with Nia just now. He guessed that maybe it was because her boyfriend wasn't old enough to buy the game, so she asked her big brother for help?

But he was just a clerk, all he needed to do was confirm that the person who bought it was an adult.

"Excuse me..."

At this time, a girl suddenly shouted behind the two of them.

Shido turned around and saw that it was a girl wearing a high school uniform. The girl had beautiful long blonde hair, but her most crucial features were hidden by a dark eye patch.

However, Shido could tell at a glance that this was Umaru-chan. Although he couldn't see her appearance, it was already very obvious from the look of her outfit.

She just finished school and didn't have time to get ready for the "UMR" outfit, so she just wore an eyepatch and came here!

But the thing was: He was not Shido, but the elder brother of Nia. What kind of business did this girl want with him?

Nia looked at Umaru-chan curiously. She didn't know what was going on, but seeing Shido's reaction, she realized that he seemed to know this girl.

"Is there a problem?"

Nia asked softly.

"Could you buy this for me?"

Umaru-chan asked with gritted teeth, and then took out a game. It seemed to be a horror game that was about fighting zombies, a type that children could not buy.

 It seemed to be a horror game that was about fighting zombies, a type that children could not buy

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But because it was a recent masterpiece, Somai hoped to be able to buy it. Knowing that it was on sale today, she came to buy it right after school, but she didn't expect to be turned away by the clerk due to her high school uniform.

Therefore, when she saw Shido and the game in Nia's hands, she ran over as if she had found water in the desert.


Shido was a little hesitant. Although he and Nia looked like they were underage, their mental age was already over eighteen years old, so there was no guilt in doing so.

But buying it for Umaru-chan? It felt a little weird.


Nia looked at Shido, but didn't call out his name. In her heart, she didn't mind helping Umaru-chan to buy it.

"All right!"

Shido nodded. Since Nia wanted to help, he obliged. Anyway, he also knew something about this type of game. There was an age limit in this game just because of the zombie theme.

In fact, there was nothing really inappropriate for children.


Umaru-chan danced happily, then shoved the game into Shido's arms, and of course, including the money to buy the game.

"Let's go!"

Shido said in a low voice, then took the two games and went to the clerk for check-out.

Seeing the two lovely girls beside Shido, the guests around him can't help showing envious gazes...

PS: Thank you for your support!

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