The First Day!

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Javelin took a deep breath in, than a long exhale out.

She was ready to start the day, this would be the first day of school for everybody. Excitement glistened in her eyes.

She wanted to make a good impression, so of course she brung her javelin I mean what better way to make friends than to show off your weapon of choice? Especially one that your named after!

" no. No weapons." London said, at the front gate of the school. She was confiscating every ship girl who brought a weapon with them to school.

" what?! That's preposterous!" Seydlitz shouted out loud, thinking their weapons are essential and should be on their body at all times. Not agreeing at all walking around unarmed to be vulnerable to any attacks just because they need to take into consideration other ships safety. Which wouldn't be a problem if everyone carried a weapon than everyone can defend themselves- Seydlitz thought. Arguing with London at the front gate. Refusing to hand over her sword.

" oh what now?! You've already taken my sword! What else do you want?! To take off my sharks?!" Thüringen said, pissed off. Her sharks were snapping their jaws threateningly. Thinking these other ships are absolutely clueless about other classes. Unlike other ships some IronBlood extensions of weaponry cannot be taken off or dropped off like a holdable. Yelling at Swiftsure who looked like she really didn't want to be in this argument and looked like a push over but was trying her politest to calm Thüringen.

" sheesh... they seem friendly" Ayanami commented, hearing her sister Fubuki say " Ayanami!" Thinking she needs to be more respectful. It's not good bad mouthing students before they even get started. Like for real.

" what?" Ayanami said, not seeing a problem with what she said. Thinking all those IronBlood ships have some sort of anger issue. I mean... all of them that she's seen so far have short tempers and are quick to jump to violence.

" how are you even gonna make any friends talking like that?" Fubuki said, thinking already Ayanami has a loner type of personality let alone be paired up with an off putting attitude like that...

" oh! Uh- excuse me?" Z23 said, interrupting. Wanting to just ask directions. So far all the other ship girls who aren't from her faction are avoiding her. Well, not just her but everyone from the IronBlood faction. Literally, everyone is just running away. Even the teachers. Boi...

" eek!" Fubuki said, hiding behind Ayanami. Sure Z23 didn't look like the scariest IronBlood ship girl they've seen but of course still scary.

" oh uh.." Z23 said, feeling kinda embarrassed. I mean.. she didn't even start expressing her " THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!" Attitude. Which would repel even her own factions ships.

" don't mind her, she's more of a scaredy cat than a fox." Ayanami said, getting a " hey!" From Fubuki.

" anyway, what's up?" Ayanami said, seeing Z23 open her mouth but before she could say anything another ship girl. Z1 bumped into her purposely.

Causing Z23 to explode in anger, with her " THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!" Attitude loose. Yelling and cursing in German. Immediately getting Z1 off her back. Rewinding so far back that she disappeared into the crowd.

That's when Z23 realized oh no... she probably scared off Ayanami... but to her surprise she's still here! Fubuki unfortunately wasn't...

" wow. Hot." Ayanami said, with a smirk.

Z23 immediately blushed hearing that. Flustered. All the words she tried to say just came out in scrambles. Incomprehensible. Like a high school girl talking to her crush kinda speech. Z23 of course wasn't use to this kind of attention or response so... yeah...

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