Where Our Loyalties Lie

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^ Maybe this song isn't for everybody but I like it a lot. I think if you listen to it you'll begin to understand the context of what I'm trying to hint at in this chapter. But don't worry if you can't because next chapter I'll make it much more obvious on what I wanted to write ;)

Bismarck: " Hood do you have a moment?" Catching the usually graceful and elegant ship off guard. Seeing her turn around startled.

Hood: " wha-?! What are you doing here?! Keep your distance!" seeing Bismarck halt in place. Knowing the history between each other. Sure she sunk Hood, and did it by penetrating her rear no less ;) (I need to stop). So, it makes sense why Hood is so weary whenever Bismarck is around especially when she's coming up from behind. ( please stop me).

" I'm so sorry miss she just came bursting in and I-" Scylla was cut off by Bismarck saying " it's my fault. I did use force to come here." Seeing Hood back away a little from her.

Bismarck: " but I come here baring no ill will. I just wanted to invite you to an important dinner summit with Sovetskaya Belorussiya if you would accept."

Hood: " and why should I accompany you?" Coldly. Crossing her arms. Still holding a deep grudge/somewhat hatred towards Bismarck. Even though what happened was in the past when they were just regular ships.

" well I... I'm not that good articulating my words as you. I fear that it will not go as smoothly. With Belorussiya taking Sovetskaya Rossiya's place as leader of the Northern Parliament. I knew Rossiya and we did not need for much word play. However this Belorussiya is different." Bismarck explained, hearing Hood say " I don't see how this is my problem. You're still very capable of speaking to her. Do it without me. Just bring Eugen, Tirpitz, Peter, or Friedrich. They can all speak well." Still unwilling to help Bismarck after all this time. Even though the Royal Navy and IronBlood are allies now.

Bismarck lowered her eyes to the ground, and used her fingers to pull down her uniforms hat/cap to cover more of her eyes. " I can't." Making Hood ask " why not?" Hearing Bismarck explain: " Eugen... is currently out on a mission. I do not know when she'll return. Peter is extremely busy organizing our newly built facilities. I put Tirpitz in charge of leadership for IronBlood in Azur Lane for the time being in my absence to Russia. Friedrich is on leave. I just got her request today, even though I did not approve it yet she has already gone back to Germany on unofficial business." Informing Hood the reason why she can't ask her closet advisors for help.

Bismarck: " I know that we... have our differences." Making Hood scoff thinking 'that's putting it lightly' thinking a different phrase of words would better suit that.

" but I will do anything for you to forgive me." Bismarck said, sternly. Serious about that.

Hood: " than get out of my sight." Not wanting her to be here. Not wanting to see her at all. Not wanting to talk to her either. She let her emotions get the best of her.

Bismarck could sense that Hood still had a lot of resentment towards her. She understood the reason why. She deserved it- Bismarck thought. After all... she was the one who sunk her.

Bismarck: " please. Forgive me. I won't bother you again." leaving.

Hood was left with this uneasy feeling. It was gnawing away at her. She hated how rude she sounded and acted. Even though it's how she truly felt. She also felt kinda bad for Bismarck, seeing the leader of IronBlood come all the way to the Royal Navy's side to personally ask her if she could accompany her to dinner.

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