The Classes You Hate

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" ughhhhhhhh" Z1 said, groaning. She hated math class the most out of all her classes. " pst Z23 help" Z1 said, needing her sisters help. Since Z23 excelled in math.

" ahem! Hush now child. Be respectful of others taking the test." Amazon said, thinking she needs to take out the horse whip and mold this child after already a week in class. As her class was taking a math test.

" and no cheating..." Amazon said, threatening Z1 that she's gonna get Hipper in here. Causing Z1 who keep her mouth shut and eyes on her own paper. Muttering to herself in German how much of a bitch Amazon is.

" wow that test was kinda hard huh?" Javelin said, talking to Laffey after class. Usually she has such a bright outlook on things but even this test she knows she didn't do well on.

" yeah..." Laffey said, yawning.

" that was brutal. I mean who even knows all that stuff? Or even heard of it?" Ayanami said, knowing she's good at math. Simple basic math like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. But this? Pretty sure it's rocket scientist or top IQ mathematicians kind of knowledge. Seriously what is Amazon teaching them?

" hard?" Z23 said, thinking that test was pretty easy. Basic math equations of MC Squared, as well as the Diophantine Equation, and Fermat's Last Theorem.

" I think maybe you need to see Peter Strasser for touring." Z23 said, giving some advice to her fellow classmates.

" who's Peter Strasser?" Laffey questioned. Never hearing that ships name before.

" oh well she doesn't go to this school, she's on the IronBlood side of the island but I'm sure she'll be more than willing to hel-" Z23 was cut off by Ayanami saying " I don't think so." Already seeing the reactions of her fellow classmates faces when Z23 said that she's located on the IronBloods side of the island. That's a no go. A very dangerous place.

" how about you teach us?" Ayanami said, looking at Z23's paper which has an A+ compared to everyone with an F.

" me?" Z23 said, surprised. But sure she thought she could. After all, it came to her easily.

Javelin gasped than said " we can have a slumber party!" Thinking that it's perfect. A night of studying with a side of fun.

" I'd have to ask-" Z23 was cut off by Ayanami saying " I'm in." And Laffey say " ok...*yawns*.." thinking that they'd all be sleeping together. One of Laffey's favorite things to do.

" great!" Javelin said, thinking that everybody's onboard.

Javelin: " its at my place. 7pm sharp. That way we can do 3 hours of studying and a whole night of fun!" Making Laffey say " yayyyy...." in her soft quite tone of voice. Overjoyed that her new friends are gonna all be sleeping together. Than maybe in the morning they can tell each other what dreams they had.

Ayanami smirk thinking she can't wait to play those spin the bottle games and make them do dares.

Z23 though, was still nervous and on edge about this. She needed permission after all. And it had to come from her superior. Prinz Eugen. Thankfully she's pretty lenient. But... it's so out of the ordinary for Z23 to ask something like this to her... the truth was Z23 was bashful and embarrassed to even ask since it would tarter her reputation on the IronBlood side. Going to slumber parties... what would the others think?

Of course Z23 didn't want to sneak out... but... she was beginning to feel like if she ghosted her new friends she'd have to confront them literally the next day of school... oh boy... and on the other hand if she snuck out and didn't inform Eugen and someone from her side found out she'd be in a lot of trouble for this kind of action.

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