Getting Away

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It was spring break. Everyone couldn't wait to get outta school and have some fun in the sun. They definitely wanted a hot girl summer where they're down on the beach showing off their newest bikini's or upper decks. Or looking into hooking up for a ' one time fun time' if that's their plan. Which won't really be that hard since everyone is pretty hot. But if they're a little kid than the only thing they're looking for is building sand castles, playing in the waves close to the shore, and making others buy over priced ice cream for them.

But of course there are some others who have alternative plans like, going to the library to read some books (you know the nerds and geeks like Bristol, Ingraham, etc. are there), staying indoors playing video games (you know the gamers like Long Island, Bunker Hill, Ayanami, etc. are there), or catching up on some Zzzz's/beauty sleep (like Laffey, Nicolas, etc.), or going to the gym to work out (Takao, Zuikaku, Hiryuu, etc.). Anyway, whatever a ship is doing relaxing or something not they're gonna enjoy it.

But of course the teachers ain't gonna allow students this. Amazon gave her class a ton of hard math homework to do over the break. Marco Polo wanted her class to go find 10 different species that could either be plants, insects, fossils, or rocks. London required her class to finish reading this whole novel because when they get back to class they're gonna be tested on it, luckily Langley was in the American sprit of actually giving a genuine break so didn't give her class any homework expect to have fun. Wichita though... she should've done the same thing knowing her personality but instead she totally wanted her class to suffer and asked them all to write her a 25 page essay (which she ain't gonna read) about what they did over their spring break.

" what the fuck" Ayanami said, thinking why is Wichita doing this to them. Since she's the most laid back and laziest teacher.

" what was that? It's kinda difficult with the amount of dicks in your mouth" Wichita said, giving attitude to her class complaining she actually gave them an assignment to do over the break.

" why do we have to do this? Langley didn't give us any homework" Laffey asked, unsure of Wichitas motives.

" like I care. Just do it you little punks" Wichita said, not caring what her class has to say to her. Just being an asshole sometimes.

When the school bell rang for the last period, everyone ran outta class.

" we should totally make plans to go eat together, go to the spa, get our hair and nails done, oh and go shopping too!" Javelin said, thinking ahead.

Ayanami: " yeah about that, I can't." Sounding kinda pissed off.

Javelin: " and why not?" Sounding a bit sassy herself.

" well to be honest, all I really wanna do is play my video games. Bunker Hill get me so tight after she fucking snipped me on that roof top." Telling Javelin yeah she's her friend but she doesn't want to spend her spring break on that. Having a deep desire to get revenge.

" I just wanna sleep... sorry Javelin... also I got too much homework to do.. maybe later this week when I'm free.." Laffey said, burnt out. Yawning.

" aww guys really? Well me and Z23 are gonna-" Javelin was cut off by Z23 saying " sorry but Hipper wants me to accompany her and Adalbert all spring break... were gonna do a lot of repairs"

Laffey: " I didn't know you do repairs" surprised to hear this.

" yeah me either, what other secrets are you not telling me?" Ayanami said, suspicious.

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