The Honeymoon Stage

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" uh guys! Hey! I'm locked outta the house! Hey!" Wichita shouted, trying to open the front door. But it's not budging. There was no door bell, because Friedrich informed Wichita that herself and Mercedes finds the sound very annoying so don't have it.

The door was made of solid iron. There was no knocker, so uh you had to use your knuckles. But uh... Wichita was pretty sure no sound was being made and she was just breaking her knuckles knocking. She didn't have metal claws like the two so... she figured it was useless doing this since she's not gonna make a big impact on the door.

She tried fitting through the doggy door Mercedes made. Unfortunately it was way too small. Wichita could only fit her head and one arm through. She tried to reach the doorknob but it was just out of reach. She yell for them, but was pretty sure they can't hear her since they must be upstairs on the second or third floor, outside in the back, or they are just ignoring her.

Eyeing the windows, Wichita pondered the thought of breaking in that way. But decided against it, since she'd probably be severely punished for that.

So, she went around back, hoping she can hop the fence or something. But saw that Mercedes had basically replaced the once broken old wooden picket fence with a brand new iron wall.

" you've gotta be kidding me..." Wichita said, thinking climbing that is ridiculous and probably impossible.

Maybe she can dig underneath?- Wichita thought. Seeing some grave site shovels near by. Giving her a bit of the chills wondering if they buried any bodies nearby with these.

And so, Wichita began digging. And digging.

" HOW MUCH LONGER I GOTTA DIG TO GET IN?!" Wichita shouted, thinking how far down/long does this wall go down? Digging past skeletons, coffins, and different layers of time.

" Wichita what are you doing?" Friedrich spoke, looking down into a deep hole that she was making.

" OH THANK GOD! FRIEDRICH! I LOCKED MYSELF OUTTA THE HOUSE!" Wichita called back, trying to get back up. But realized she couldn't. She had dug straight down, and didn't think/make a pathway back up.

Friedrich sighed and said " why am I not surprised." Finding Wichitas presence more troublesome than anything. In fact, she was beginning to want to get rid of her more than Mercedes who's beginning to like having Wichita around.

That's when the sound of thunder occurred.

" uh! Anyway! Can you please help me get out?!" Wichita said, scrambling up. But kept falling back down.

Mercedes arrived on the scene and asked " what are you doing sweetheart?" As Friedrich used her eyes to show Mercedes what she was looking at.

Mercedes laughed and commented, " oh looks like our little pet has dug herself her own grave. How fitting. You never seem to bore me!"

" well lets go back inside before the rain gets us." Mercedes said, leaving the scene. Friedrich spoke in german to her two mechanical sharks to go get Wichita outta there. As both of them hovered down, and swooped her back up.

But before Wichita could reach the front door it shut in her face.

" uh guys? I'm locked out!" Wichita shouted, pulling on the door knock.

" guys?!" Wichita called. Banging on the door. But nothing.

" mother fuckers.." Wichita said, sitting outside the front porch in the cold pouring rain.

Wichita was shivering, thinking it's so cold out here and now that it's raining it's even worse. Not use to the german weather. Use to nice warm or hot sunny days in Azur Lane.

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